Academic Standing and Progression Policy-Baccalaureate Programs

Baccalaureate Program

Transcripts are evaluated for academic standing after the grade due date every fall and spring semester. Academic standing determinations are based solely on institutional grades and grade point averages. (Note: A minimum overall - transfer and institutional combined - cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for graduation.)

Students will remain in good standing if their institutional cumulative GPA and semester GPA remain at or above 2.00. Students will be placed on academic recovery I, II, or III based on the conditions listed below. In severe cases, students may be suspended from the University for a designated period of time.

The Office of Academic Advising may place holds preventing registration in subsequent sessions on the records of students who do not abide by the terms of academic recovery.

Note: If overall academic performance warrants action, the baccalaureate academic review committee may assign academic standing on an individual basis.

Academic Recovery I

Students will be placed on academic recovery I if either of the following conditions exists:

  • Cumulative GPA < 2.000
  • Two consecutive semester GPAs < 2.000

Students placed on academic recovery I must complete a contract for academic improvement in conjunction with the Office of Academic Advising. In addition, students  must take all courses for a letter grade, unless the course is offered only on an S/U basis. Students on academic recovery I may not withdraw from any courses without the permission of academic advising.

Academic Recovery II

Students will be placed on academic recovery II if either of the following conditions exist:

  • Failure to achieve good standing after first semester on academic recovery
  • Good standing was achieved after a previous academic recovery period, but cumulative GPA again falls below 2.000

Students placed on academic recovery II must meet with the Office of Academic Advising. Students may be restricted from participating in co-curricular activities and are not eligible to compete in varsity athletics. In addition, students must take all courses for a letter grade, unless the course is offered only on an S/U basis. Students on academic recovery II may not withdraw from any courses without the permission of academic advising.

Academic Recovery III

Students will be placed on academic recovery III if any of the following conditions exist (students may be placed directly on academic recovery III without having been on academic recovery previously):

  • Failure to achieve cumulative GPA of 2.000 or better after a term on academic recovery
  • Semester GPA 1.000 or below
  • Cumulative GPA 1.000 or below

The baccalaureate academic review committee may elect to suspend a student rather than place them on academic recovery III. Students placed on academic recovery III must meet with the Office of Academic Advising three times during the academic recovery term. Students on academic recovery III are not allowed to hold any office or representative position, participate in varsity athletic practices or competitions, or receive an incomplete grade in any of the courses in which they are enrolled. In addition, students must take all courses for a letter grade, unless the course is offered only on an S/U basis. Students on academic recovery III may not withdraw from any courses without the permission of the director of academic advising. Students who withdraw from any course will be suspended.


Students will be suspended from the University for a period of one or two terms if any of the following conditions exist:

  • Failure to achieve semester or cumulative GPA of 2.000 or better after the term on academic recovery III (may not have any incomplete grades)
  • Withdrawal from a course while on academic recovery III

The baccalaureate academic review committee will determine whether the student will take one or two terms off from school. Students may appeal the committee's decision of the initial suspension. Appeals must be made in writing to the director of academic advising. Subsequent suspensions cannot be appealed. Contact

Readmission After Suspension

Students must apply in writing to the director of academic advising for readmission to the University. To be readmitted, the student must show evidence that she or he will succeed in an academic program. The readmission decision made by the director of academic advising is final. If readmitted, the director of academic advising and the student will develop a new contract for academic improvement. Students are placed on academic recovery II status the term they return from suspension.