Academic Catalog

Data Science - BS

Our data science major curriculum intentionally provides a foundation and pathway for engaging broad discipline interests in the arts, humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, and business.  Data - in any domain - is at our disposal almost instantaneously.  We need the knowledge and skills to manage, analyze, summarize and interpret the data, and then be able to effectively communicate, both visually and verbally, the results in context within an ethical and respectful frame.

Students majoring in ​data science at St. Catherine University will learn to navigate, model, visualize, summarize, and communicate with data within a vibrantly interdisciplinary, collaborative environment. ​Students will engage in creating​ appropriate models to analyze and interpret data, learn to ask pertinent questions, study ethical considerations, ​and develop ​communication skills involved in data science and data analytics within contextual variety among the liberal arts spectrum. 
Data Science majors are required to complete a domain minor or a double major and secure at least one internship as part of the major.

This major is offered in the College for Women only. 

Required Major Courses
CSCI 1110Algorithms and Computer Programming I with Lab4
CSCI 1120Algorithms and Computer Programming II with Lab4
DSCI 1000Telling Stories with Data - Introduction to Data Visualization4
DSCI 2000Seminar for Data Science2
DSCI 3100Database Management4
DSCI 3200WAnalyzing Social Issues with Data4
DSCI 4600Data Science Internship0,2,4
MATH 1130Calculus I4
MATH 1140Calculus II4
MATH 2050Linear Algebra4
STAT 1090Statistical Analysis4
STAT 2090Statistical Modeling4
STAT 3090Predictive Analysis4
Total Credits46-50
Required Supporting Courses
CRST/WOSTUpper-division (3XXX or 4XXX) course4
COMM 1030Speaking to Lead and Influence4
Select one from:4
Biomedical Ethics
Select one sequence from:8
Foundations of Biology: Diversity and Evolution with Lab
and Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology with Lab
General Chemistry I with Lab
and General Chemistry II with Lab
Introductory Physics I with Lab
and Introductory Physics II with Lab
Total Credits20

Data science majors satisfy the Writing Requirement for Majors by completing DSCI 3200W Analyzing Social Issues with Data. They complete the liberal arts core Writing Requirement with three other writing-intensive courses (CORE 1000W The Reflective Woman, CORE 3990W Global Search for Justice, and any other writing-intensive course in another department).  

Fall Term
CORE 1000WThe Reflective Woman4
DSCI 1000Telling Stories with Data - Introduction to Data Visualization4
COMM 1030Speaking to Lead and Influence (can be taken any semester)4
Spring Term
STAT 1090Statistical Analysis4
DSCI 2000Seminar for Data Science (Offered J-term only; can be taken in 2nd year)2
Fall Term
CSCI 1110Algorithms and Computer Programming I with Lab (can be taken 1st yr)4
MATH 1130Calculus I (can be taken 1st yr)4
STAT 2090Statistical Modeling (Offered in even years; can be taken 3rd year if not offered in 2nd)4
Select one from:4
Foundations of Biology: Diversity and Evolution with Lab
General Chemistry I with Lab
Introductory Physics I with Lab
Spring Term
CSCI 1120Algorithms and Computer Programming II with Lab (can be taken 1st yr)4
MATH 1140Calculus II (can be taken 1st yr)4
STAT 3090Predictive Analysis (offered in odd years; can be taken in 3rd year if not offered in 2nd)4
Select one from:4
Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology with Lab
General Chemistry II with Lab
Introductory Physics II with Lab
Fall Term
DSCI 3100Database Management (Offered in odd years; can be taken in 4th year, if not offered in 3rd)4
MATH 2050Linear Algebra4
3000- or 4000-level CRST or WOST course4
Spring Term
DSCI 3200WAnalyzing Social Issues with Data (Offered in even years; can be taken 4th year if not offered in 3rd))4
Select one from:4
PHIL 3300
Biomedical Ethics
Fall Term
CORE 3990WGlobal Search for Justice4
Spring Term
DSCI Internship (can be completed any semester)0-4
Total Credits74-78