Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Grades

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Grading Option

Students may elect the satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading option for courses that are normally letter graded. Satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory (U) grades do not affect the grade point average. At the undergraduate level, work meriting a letter grade of C- or better is recorded as S. A final grade below C- is recorded as U (Unsatisfactory).

Students must elect the S/U option by the published deadline. The form for electing the S/U option is available online on the Office of the Registrar Forms page. Once elected, the S/U option may be rescinded, but the decision to rescind must be made before the S/U election deadline. The decision to rescind cannot be reversed.

This option is guided by the following limits:

Associate Programs

  • No more than one course per semester (excluding courses only graded S/U)
  • A maximum of 12 semester credits excluding CLEP, AP, IB, proficiency exams and any other form of prior learning assessment graded S/U
  • Not allowed for professional courses or program prerequisite or required supporting courses

Baccalaureate Programs

  • No more than one course per semester (excluding courses only graded S/U)
  • A maximum of 26 credits excluding CLEP, AP, IB, proficiency exams and any other form of prior learning assessment graded S/U
  • Not allowed for courses in the student's major or minor field
  • May be elected for required supporting courses unless stated otherwise by the department

Students should be aware that most graduate schools require letter grades in all the prerequisite courses for their advanced degree programs.