Academic Support Services

St. Catherine University's Libraries

The Libraries and Archives of St. Catherine University fosters exploration and engagement by providing opportunities -- independent and collaborative, curricular and co-curricular, formal and informal -- to discover, experiment, and create.

The Libraries and Archives collaborates in the University’s mission to develop ethical, reflective, and socially responsible leaders. We empower our community to be engaged scholars, professionals, and citizens through the cultivation of services, collections, spaces, and experiences. Building on traditional foundations of research and teaching, we facilitate innovative and emerging methods of inquiry, pedagogies, and technologies.

Visit the library's website to see all of the exciting things happening at St. Kate's library.

Tutoring and Learning Center

The Tutoring and Learning Center addresses the diverse academic needs and interests of all students. The professional and student staff provide individual academic support and promote academic achievement through programs, services and facilities offered by the Writing/Reading Center, the Math/Science Center, and Student Mentors.

Computing Services

Computing Services maintains several large general purpose labs and a number of discipline-specific labs; smaller general purpose labs are located in each of the residence halls. Students who live on campus are provided high-speed Internet access through either data ports or wirelessly in their room. Each member of the St. Kate's community, including students, faculty, and staff, are provided with an account that gives them secure access to campus computing resources. This includes an e-mail account using our Google Apps for Education that is available via a web browser, access to our Course Management System, and access to the website where community members may securely access the information they need to be successful at St. Kate's.

Computing Services also provides training and help desk support for students, faculty, and staff on academic and administrative computing issues; this includes assistance with the Microsoft Office suite, Email and other Google Apps for Education services, and the our Course Management System as well as hardware issues. The help desk can be reached at 651-690-6402 or by email or by visiting the web page: or by chat, social media (like, flicker, facebook, twiter, etc.).

The main office for the McGlynn Center for Computing and Technology is located in the Coeur de Catherine Building.