Repeated Course Grade Policy
Repeating a Course
Students must obtain permission from the department chair or program director to repeat a course. Permission is requested by submitting the Request an Override to Add a Course form, found on the Office of the Registrar Forms page.
Course Taken More Than One Time at St. Catherine University
If a student completes a course (receives a grade) at St. Catherine University and repeats the course at St. Catherine University, the most recent grade is counted toward the grade point average, although the previous grade remains on the transcript. If a student receives a U or F grade, credit may be gained only by repeating the course and not by proficiency exam.
Students are encouraged to repeat a course at St. Catherine University but may repeat at another institution if necessary and transfer the course to St. Catherine University. Should a course be repeated at another institution, the repeat policy stating that the most recent grade is counted toward the grade point will apply to the transferred course. Residency and graduation requirements must be followed when considering where to retake a course. Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor prior to making any decisions regarding repeating courses
Transfer Course Repeated at St. Catherine University
If a student completes (receives a grade) a course at St. Catherine University that is equivalent to a course that has already been accepted for transfer credit, the transferred course will be removed from the student's St. Catherine University transcript.