Academic Catalog

Professional Writing - Certificate

The Certificate in Professional Writing helps students develop professional-level writing skills in preparation for careers in corporate or technical writing, public relations or advertising, and other professions where writing plays an important role. Students majoring in business, medical specialty areas, public health, social work, sciences, fine arts, or humanities will find expanded professional opportunities by acquiring this certificate.

Offered by the Literature, Language, Writing Department, this certificate is open to all degree-seeking students in the College for Women.

The delivery method for most of the required courses for the Professional Writing Certificate is is face-to-face, with on campus classes. Some are offered in all-online formats, providing students in the certificate program the opportunity to learn and write in an all digital context.


Students must receive a minimum grade of B+ in all courses.

Required Courses:
ENGL 2350Introduction to English Grammar4
ENGL 3340WWriting for Digital Age4
ENGL 3360WProfessional Writing4
ENGL 4320WThe Editorial Process4
ENGL 4604Internship4
or ENGL 4686 Internship: Writing in the Workplace
Additional Requirements:
Completion of a portfolio
Determination by the Professional Writing Certification Committee in the Literature, Language, Writing Department that the student has developed a level of writing skill appropriate to writing in a professional context
Total Credits20