AMS Early Childhood - Certificate

This program will  support teacher candidates to obtain their Early Childhood Education Montessori AMS (American Montessori Society) certificate (2.5 - 6 years). In this program, you will learn the Montessori Methods through in-person courses, followed by a nine-month practicum. The program culminates in oral & written exams to obtain the AMS certificate. Note: Adult Learners with a GED or High School diploma will receive an Associate AMS Credential. Adult Learners with a prior bachelor degree will receive a full AMS Credential upon completion. The program will develop socially aware, critically informed and innovative Montessori teachers from around the country who will continue to effectively teach following Montessori philosophy combined with an awareness and skills in anti-bias and anti-racist (ABAR) teaching strategies. 

The defining elements of the Montessori Early Childhood Certificate program are:

  • Social Justice: We provide teacher candidates with the knowledge and skills to impact societal change through early childhood education and the Montessori philosophy.
  • Personal Transformation: We guide teacher candidates to form a greater understanding of themselves, children, and the world, which includes, but is not limited to, recognizing bias in ourselves, classrooms, schools and other systems.
  • Innovative Pedagogy: We equip teacher candidates with the individualized, teaching approach outlined by Dr. Maria Montessori that takes a developmental approach to preparing and early childhood education that is both inclusive and equitable in practice.,  
  • Holistic Teacher Education: We recognize the demands of teaching and learning, and believe that to be an effective teacher the mind, body, and spirit must be nurtured and supported.
  • Community Engagement: We commit to serving in, learning from, and collaborating with diverse communities who share a common vision of educational equity.


ECED 2400Effective Practice in Early Childhood Education4
ECED 4105Early Childhood Practical Life and Dramatic Play2
ECED 4155Early Childhood Sensorial2
ECED 4265Creative Expression in Early Childhood2
ECED 4275Early Childhood Science2
ECED 4365Early Childhood Mathematics2
ECED 4375Early Childhood Language Arts and Reading2
ECED 4385Early Childhood Social and Cultural Studies2
ECED 4705Early Childhood Education Practicum I5
ECED 4710Early Childhood Education Practicum II5
Total Credits28



Lisa Carver
University Supervisor

Teresa Ripple, EdD
University Supervisor, Prof. Emerita

Ellen Harrmann
Adjunct Professor

Khou Moua
Adjunct Professor

Lauren Sitarz
University Supervisor

Sarah Streyle
Assistant Professor

Molly Wheeler
Program Dir., Assistant Professor