DNP: Post Master's with Second Certificate - Family Nurse Practitioner

Doctor of Nursing Practice – Second Certification

The DNP-Second Certification option provides an educational route for nurses who already hold a master’s degree in nursing (MSN) as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who seek specialization in an area other than that obtained in their master's and also earn their terminal doctorate degree. Students complete the post-master’s DNP program of study concurrently while fulfilling required coursework in their second NP specialty area (pediatrics, adult-gerontology, or psych-mental health).

Degree Requirements

To ensure students meet current practice and licensure requirements, courses and clinical rotations might be substituted to ensure compliance and learning outcomes are met. Students must complete all requirements designated by the track coordinator.

Years to Complete the Program

Students are expected to complete the DNP–Second Certification NP Program within five years of initial enrollment and will be allowed to re-sequence only once in the DNP course of study.

Important Technical Standards

For successful admission and continuance in St. Catherine University’s pre-licensure nursing programs, a specific set of essential cognitive, sensory, communication, psychomotor, and behavioral/ emotional/spiritual health abilities are required to be performed with or without reasonable accommodations.

Read the full requirements


NURS 7140Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice3
NURS 8150Leadership for Advanced Nursing Practice3
STAT 7000Introduction to Biostatistics3
NURS 6360 Health Promotion and Population Health in Primary Care: Family3
NURS 7080Informatics for Advanced Nursing Practice3
NURS 8300Advanced Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation3
NURS 6540 Primary Care I: FNP Care of Uncomplicated Acute and Chronic Conditions Across the Lifespan3
NURS 6940 Primary Care II: FNP Care of Children with Chronic and Complex Health Conditions2
NURS 7540 Primary Care III: FNP Reproductive Care2
NURS 6545 Primary Care Clinical I: Family1
NURS 8040 Primary Care IV: FNP Care of Adults and Elderly with Chronic Complex Health Conditions3
NURS 7045 Primary Care Clinical II: Family3
NURS 8523Advanced Evidence-based Practice3
NURS 8536Healthcare Economics and Finance3
NURS 8543Health Care: Power, Policy and Politics3
NURS 8515DNP Integration I2
NURS 8516DNP Integration II2
NURS 8517DNP Integration III2
NURS 8518DNP Integration IV2
NURS 8215 Primary Care Clinical III: Family3
NURS 8315 Primary Care Clinical IV: Family2
Total Credits54
Fall Term
NURS 7140Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice3
STAT 7000Introduction to Biostatistics3
NURS 6360 Health Promotion and Population Health in Primary Care: Family3
Spring Term
NURS 7080Informatics for Advanced Nursing Practice3
NURS 6540 Primary Care I: FNP Care of Uncomplicated Acute and Chronic Conditions Across the Lifespan3
Summer Term
NURS 6940Primary Care II: FNP Care of Children with Chronic and Complex Health Conditions2
NURS 7540 Primary Care III: FNP Reproductive Care2
NURS 6545 Primary Care Clinical I: Family1
Fall Term
NURS 8150Leadership for Advanced Nursing Practice3
NURS 8536Healthcare Economics and Finance3
NURS 8040 Primary Care IV: FNP Care of Adults and Elderly with Chronic Complex Health Conditions3
NURS 7045 Primary Care Clinical II: Family3
Spring Term
NURS 8300Advanced Outcomes Measurement and Evaluation3
NURS 8523Advanced Evidence-based Practice3
NURS 8543Health Care: Power, Policy and Politics3
Summer Term
NURS 8515DNP Integration I2
Fall Term
NURS 8516DNP Integration II2
Spring Term
NURS 7445 Primary Care Clinical III: Family3
NURS 8517DNP Integration III2
Summer Term
NURS 8045 Primary Care Clinical IV: Family2
NURS 8518DNP Integration IV2
Total Credits54