Healthcare Management - BS

The healthcare management major is designed for women and men who want to accelerate or advance their careers in the healthcare field. This major prepares graduates for leadership roles in organizations across the health sector such as Accountable Care Organizations, biotech companies, community healthcare centers, federal healthcare agencies, health and/or policy advocacy organizations, group practice, health insurance companies, health IT companies, hospitals, outpatient clinics, pharmaceutical companies, public health departments, medical device and wearable technology companies, Fortune 500 organizations with medical/healthcare divisions, and research centers. 

The Healthcare Management major is designed for individuals who have acquired professional experience or education relevant to healthcare. Working professionals who are interested in transitioning to the healthcare industry may also benefit from this major. To open future doors, students will have an opportunity to get a head start on a graduate degree: While working on a major in healthcare management, students may be eligible to take up to two courses from the St. Kate's Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MAOL) degree program. These graduate programs also offer concentrations in healthcare management and leadership.

Students in this major study business practices, leadership skills, and support services used by health sector leaders to identify, treat, prevent and control disease, sickness and injury. Students will be exposed to the various strategies used to providing a high quality of patient care in an efficient manner. Students complete courses in business providing them with the essential knowledge of health care financial management and managerial accounting, marketing, and management. Students gain insight into information technology uses in organizations, social science perspectives and the economics of healthcare. Students take advanced courses in managing a diverse workforce, critical studies of race and ethnicity, biomedical ethics, policy and politics in human services systems, and organizational communication skills, as well as a capstone senior seminar in healthcare management.

Even in a slow economy, when many industries have lost ground in capital expenditure and in jobs, the healthcare industry has continued to expand. This expansion translates to plentiful employment opportunities for individuals with the skills and educational background needed to work in this thriving sector of the job market. Minnesota in particular is a national leader in all dimensions of healthcare from technology to insurance to care providers. Serving in such an important, life-changing industry has its unique demands, but it also has its unique rewards. For students who are interested in health and healthcare, the healthcare management major can help them make a difference in healthcare facilities, and by extension, the lives of the patients they serve. 

This major is available to students in the College for Adults.

Common Aspects of All Business Majors

St. Kate’s offers a values-based business education built upon a foundation of liberal arts and guided by the following mission: Grounded in Catholic social teaching, the Department of Business Administration at St. Catherine University delivers a transformative business education, empowering students to develop performance-ready expertise, adaptability, and confidence to become ethical and effective leaders in their chosen field. 

In the classroom, students work to successfully master business fundamentals and gain an appreciation for the interrelated nature of business functions—tools necessary for navigating a global, competitive business environment. By conducting online research and preparing computer-based presentations, students learn to incorporate technology into solutions for business problems and become prepared for careers in worldwide, decentralized organizations. Examples of this type of essential, highly-relevant coursework are collected in each student’s business portfolio, serving as a showcase of academic accomplishments required for graduation.

St. Kate’s business majors benefit from abundant resources as they move through the program towards their career goals. Exceptional instructors, both full-time professors and practicing professionals with a broad range of experience, provide a balanced theoretical and applied business curriculum. Outstanding women role models and accomplished executives participate on-campus as guest speakers, mentors, and recruiters.  Many of them are St. Kate's alumnae and employees of the 60+ companies attending St. Kate's annual on-campus job fair—the largest of any Minnesota private college or university.

St. Kate’s business administration department, part of the School of Business, offers a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science in one of the following fields:


  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Business Management
  • Healthcare Management
  • Marketing and Digital Strategy


  • Accounting

  • Business Administration
  • Business Analytics
  • Finance

  • Healthcare Sales
  • Integrated Marketing Communications and Design
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Marketing


  • Accounting - Post-baccalaureate Certificate

*See individual descriptions or the Programs of Study section of this catalog for information about which college offers the program (the College for Women or the College for Adults).

See also: Business Administration, Business Management, Healthcare Sales, Business-to-Business Sales, Accounting

This major is offered in the College for Adults only.


ACCT 3202Business Finance2
BUSI 2012Business Analytics2
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
ECON 3250Healthcare Economics 13-4
or MBA 6900 Behavioral Economics and Decision Making
IPE 1030Healthcare Teams Foundations and Medical Terminology2
or IPE 1040 Healthcare Teams and Quality Outcomes
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy 13-4
or MBA 6500 Healthcare Systems and Policy
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Choose one 3000 or 4000-level course in Leadership or Management2-4
Business Practicum
Managing Within a Diverse Workforce (also fulfills core CRST requirement)
LEAD 3000 Clinical Leadrship and Administration in Long Term Care
Personal and Team Leadership 1
Organizational Strategies - People and Culture
MGMT 4850WSenior Seminar in Healthcare Management 13-4
or MBA 6810 Healthcare Quality
Total Credits25-30
Required Supporting Course Work (minimum grade of C- required)
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
or MBA 6300 Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
Select one of the following:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
Total Credits12

 Requirement may be met by taking the three-credit MBA course only if the student is admitted to the program that allows seniors to take MBA courses. See the MBA section of the University's Graduate Catalog for details.

Business Portfolio

All majors are required to complete a business portfolio. The portfolio is the vehicle that enables students to integrate the life skills and knowledge they bring with them and the knowledge, skills and values learned within the courses and field experiences throughout the program. This portfolio allows students to validate their experiences at St. Catherine University.

The portfolio is cumulative in nature; most aspects are completed as part of course work. Students must present the portfolio to their advisor no later than the week of September 15-22 for December graduation or the week of February 15-22 for May graduation.

For specific portfolio (BUSI 4800 Business Portfolio) requirements, please refer to the Professional Portfolio Handbook.

Healthcare management majors satisfy the Writing Requirement for Majors by completing MGMT 4850W Senior Seminar in Healthcare Management. They complete the Liberal Arts and Sciences Core Writing Requirement with three other writing-intensive courses (CORE 1000W The Reflective Woman, CORE 3990W Global Search for Justice, and any other writing-intensive course).

The healthcare management major is offered both fully online asynchronous and fully online with synchronous options. Both options are displayed below.


Fall Term
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
Spring Term
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
BUSI 2012Business Analytics2
LEAD 3400Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management4
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Analysis
Summer Term
BUSI 3502Global Business2
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Fall Term
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Spring Term
ACCT 3202Business Finance2
MGMT 3460Managing Within a Diverse Workforce4
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Summer Term
BUSI 4750Business Practicum2
Fall Term
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
HLTH 2050Foundations in Public Health4
MGMT 4850WSenior Seminar in Healthcare Management4
Spring Term
ECON 2610Principles of Microeconomics4
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
Total Credits56


Fall Term
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
Spring Term
BUSI 2012Business Analytics 12
BUSI 3502Global Business2
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Analysis
Summer Term
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Fall Term
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
LEAD 3400Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management4
Spring Term
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
ECON 2610Principles of Microeconomics4
Summer Term
MGMT 3460Managing Within a Diverse Workforce4
Fall Term
ACCT 3202Business Finance2
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
HLTH 2050Foundations in Public Health4
MGMT 4850WSenior Seminar in Healthcare Management4
Spring Term
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Summer Term
BUSI 4750Business Practicum2
Total Credits56

Taken during J-Term

The healthcare management major is offered both fully online asynchronous and fully online with synchronous options. Both options are displayed below.


Spring Term
BUSI 2012Business Analytics2
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
Summer Term
BUSI 3502Global Business2
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Fall Term
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis
Spring Term
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
ECON 2610Principles of Microeconomics4
LEAD 3400Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management4
Summer Term
BUSI 4750Business Practicum2
Fall Term
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Spring Term
ACCT 3202Business Finance2
MGMT 3460Managing Within a Diverse Workforce4
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Fall Term
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
HLTH 2050Foundations in Public Health4
MGMT 4850WSenior Seminar in Healthcare Management4
Total Credits56


Spring Term
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
Summer Term
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Fall Term
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
LEAD 3400Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management4
Spring Term
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
BUSI 2012Business Analytics 12
BUSI 3502Global Business2
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Summer Term
MGMT 3460Managing Within a Diverse Workforce4
Fall Term
ACCT 3202Business Finance2
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
HLTH 2050Foundations in Public Health4
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Spring Term
ECON 2610Principles of Microeconomics4
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis
Summer Term
BUSI 4750Business Practicum2
Fall Term
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Total Credits56

Taken during J-Term

The healthcare management major is offered both fully online asynchronous and fully online with synchronous options. Both options are displayed below.


Summer Term
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
Fall Term
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis
Spring Term
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
BUSI 2012Business Analytics2
LEAD 3400Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management4
Summer Term
BUSI 3502Global Business2
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Fall Term
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Spring Term
ACCT 3202Business Finance2
MGMT 3460Managing Within a Diverse Workforce4
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Summer Term
ECON 2610Principles of Microeconomics4
BUSI 4750Business Practicum2
Fall Term
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
HLTH 2050Foundations in Public Health4
MGMT 4850WSenior Seminar in Healthcare Management4
Total Credits56


Summer Term
LEAD 2202Leadership and Influence2
MGMT 2402Principles of Management2
Fall Term
ACCT 2110Financial Accounting4
LEAD 3400Leadership, Effective Teams, and Change Management4
Spring Term
ACCT 2130Managerial Accounting4
BUSI 2012Business Analytics 12
BUSI 3502Global Business2
MKTG 2302Introduction to Marketing2
Summer Term
MGMT 3460Managing Within a Diverse Workforce4
MGMT 3850Healthcare Policy4
Fall Term
ACCT 3202Business Finance2
BUSI 3642The Legal Environment of Business2
HLTH 2050Foundations in Public Health4
MGMT 4850WSenior Seminar in Healthcare Management4
Spring Term
ECON 2610Principles of Microeconomics4
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis
Summer Term
BUSI 4750Business Practicum2
Fall Term
BUSI 4800Business Portfolio0
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Total Credits56

Taken during J-Term