Theology (THEO)

THEO 6440 History of Spirituality I: Early Church to Reformation — 4 credits

This course examines the foundations and major influences of Christian spirituality from its biblical roots through its monastic developments to the eve of the Reformation. By studying major primary sources in both the Christian East and West, you become familiar with the theological, cultural and personal factors that contributed to the church's understanding of the spiritual life.

THEO 6680 Directed Study — 0 credits

Directed Study is for students whose circumstances prohibit them from taking a regularly scheduled course, which they need to complete the degree. These circumstances must be extraordinary and unavoidable. The availability of Directed Study is dependent on the faculty member's capacity and willingness. MAT students are limited to one Directed Study during their course of study.
Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval of the MAT director and academic dean.

THEO 6684 Directed Study — 4 credits

Directed Study is for students whose circumstances prohibit them from taking a regularly scheduled course, which they need to complete the degree. These circumstances must be extraordinary and unavoidable. The availability of Directed Study is dependent on the faculty member's capacity and willingness. MAT students are limited to one Directed Study during their course of study.
Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval of the MAT director and academic dean.

THEO 6740 Introduction to Spiritual Direction — 2 credits

This course provides an introduction to the ministry of spiritual direction. It includes an understanding of what spiritual direction is and is not, what methods might be employed, what personal gifts and professional skills are needed, and specific ethical concerns related to this ministry. Students are strongly encouraged to be seeing a spiritual director at the time of their participation in the course.

THEO 6750 Foundational Issues in Spiritual Direction — 2 credits

This course is for students in the graduate certificate program for Spiritual Direction. With special emphasis on the ongoing discernment of a call to this ministry, students are invited to deepen their knowledge and skills by: 1. doing spiritual direction in dyads and triads 2. writing verbatim and process notes 3. examining issues that arise in the practice of spiritual direction. E.g. need for referral, boundary violations, and gender and sexuality issues 4. experiencing supervision in a group 5. exploring spiritual direction of groups 6. fostering and maintaining the contemplative attitude as a director.
Prerequisite: THEO 6740 and be receiving spiritual direction.

THEO 6770 World Spiritualities — 2 credits

A comparative study of Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim spiritualities is grounded in sacred writings, foundational symbols and meanings, and mystical movements.

THEO 6780 Spirituality and the Life Stages — 2 credits

This course is a spiritual-theological investigation of the ordinary crises, stages and predictable transitions of adulthood in their relation to personal maturity and Christian community. Spirituality is explored in the context of Christian theological traditions and in dialogue with the discipline of developmental psychology.

THEO 6800 Church and Sacraments — 99 credits

The role of myth, ritual and symbol in the creation and transformation of ecclesial communities; the Christian theology of the Incarnation, Resurrection and Holy Spirit as fundamental to the development of the Christian understandings of sacrament; forms of liturgy; church; the function of rituals of initiation, election and healing in the spiritual lives of individuals; and the effect of a sacramental view of the universe on human attitudes toward ecosphere and biosphere.

THEO 6951 Independent Study — 1 credit

Independent study offers students in the generalist concentration the opportunity for creative learning on topics of their choice. A student works with a faculty member to develop a learning plan that specifies the content, objectives, credit allocation and process of evaluation.
Prerequisites: Instructor and program approval.

THEO 6952 Independent Study — 2 credits

An independent study can be arranged with the cooperation of a faculty member and the permission of the director. Generally, the director will discourage independent study because the philosophy of the program puts such a heavy emphasis on a core of foundational courses taken in common. Nevertheless, there may be situations where the independent study might be an arguable choice for a student. For more information, see the MAT program director.
Prerequisites: Faculty and program director approval.

THEO 6953 Independent Study — 3 credits

THEO 6960 Comprehensive Examination — 0 credits

Upon completion of the required number of credits with an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, students are considered a candidate for the MAT degree. At this point, students take a written comprehensive examination. Students must pass all three parts of the exam. See this catalog for additional information.

THEO 6992 Topics — 2 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses.

THEO 7754 Practicum — 4 credits

The practicum is an internship to supplement academic study and to give students the opportunity to put theory into practice and practice into theory. Internships in spiritual direction or pastoral ministry are among the possibilities. For more information, see the MAT practicum coordinator.
Prerequisites: Three MAT courses and program approval.

THEO 7764 Practicum - Off Site — 4 credits

This off-site practicum is specially arranged with the program coordinator. The practicum is an internship to supplement academic study and to give you the opportunity to put theory into practice and practice into theory. Internships in spiritual direction or pastoral ministry are among the possibilities. For more information, see the MAT practicum coordinator.
Prerequisites: Three MAT courses and program approval.

THEO 8990 Master's Thesis — 4 credits

The thesis is an in-depth research paper on a selected topic in spirituality or theology. The paper is conceived and written with guidance of a thesis director. Those intending to pursue a doctorate degree are urged to consult the program director about the thesis option.
Prerequisite: MAT program director approval.

THEO ADCS Add'l Theology/CRST Elective — 2-6 credits

THEO ADCSU Add'l Theology/CRST-Upper Div — 2-6 credits

THEO ADDL Additional Theology Elective — 4 credits

THEO ADDLU Additional Theology-Upper Div — 4 credits

THEO ADWS Add'l Theology/WOST Elective — 2-6 credits

THEO ADWSU Add'l Theology/WOST-Upper Div — 2-6 credits

THEO CRST Theology/CRST Elective — 4 credits

THEO CRSTU Theology/CRST-Upper Div Elec — 4 credits

THEO ELEC Theology Elective — 4 credits

THEO ELECU Theology Elective-Upper Div — 4 credits

THEO WOST Theology/WOST Elective — 2-6 credits

THEO WOSTU Theology/WOST-Upper Div Elec — 2-6 credits