Re-Enrollment to the University

Approved by:  Office of Admissions | Office of the Registrar

History:  N/A

Related Policies: Applicable Catalog Policy, Registration and Add/Drop

Related Forms, Procedures and References:  College for Women Admissions | College for Adults Admissions

For Questions Contact:  College for Women | 651.690.8850 | College for Adults | 651.690.7800

Associate Degree Programs

Students who are away from the University for more than one semester (excluding summer), or those who discontinue work for one semester (excluding summer) without applying for a leave of absence, apply for re-enrollment through the Office of Admission for the College for Adults. Program completion time limits apply to re-enrolled students; time away from the University is counted toward the seven-year maximum (and the program’s maximum for major course work). Students who return to the University after an absence of more than one year will be required to meet the same degree requirements as newly admitted students. For more information, see the Applicable Catalog policy.

Petitions for re-enrollment after academic suspension must be addressed to the program director or the director of academic advising.

Baccalaureate Program

Students who have been away from the University more than one semester (excluding summer) apply for re-enrollment through the Office of Admission for the College for Women (CFW) or the College for Adults (CFA). An additional application fee is not charged.

Typically, program requirements established at the time of admission do not change for students who leave the University and return to the same college (CFW or CFA) within two years to complete their programs. Students whose absence from the University extends two or more years are subject to the academic requirements in effect at the time of re-entry. Students who are in programs that lead to licensure are responsible for meeting current licensure standards. For more information, see the Applicable Catalog policy.

Petitions for readmission after academic suspension must be addressed to the director of academic advising.