Reservists Called to Active Duty

Approved by:  Office of the Registrar

History:  N/A

Related Policies

Related Forms, Procedures and References:  Notification of Call to Active Duty Form

For Questions Contact:  Office of the Registrar | 651.690.6531

Policy on Reservists Called to Active Duty

In the event that a registered student of St. Catherine University is called to active duty in the service of the armed forces of the United States, the following policy regarding the student’s registration and accounts will be in effect:

  1. The student’s official status will be leave of absence.
  2. Tuition and fees will be reduced to zero.
  3. Room and board accounts will be prorated to reflect the exact date of withdrawal.
  4. Bookstore accounts and any outstanding library fines will be the responsibility of the student.
  5. Financial aid will be applied to whatever balance remains on the account, with the remainder of the aid remitted to the federal, state or university accounts from which it came.
  6. If the call for active duty occurs after the 10th week of classes, students may consider arranging for incompletes with the instructor, in which case the student would be responsible for all tuition and fees connected with the class.

Students who are called to active duty should contact the Office of the Registrar to initiate this process.