Academic Catalog

Complaints and Grievance Processes

St. Catherine University is committed to the development of an environment that supports the University's mission of fostering academic and personal excellence in students.  To this end, the University has identified standards of behavior that it considers essential to the educational mission and membership in community life at St. Catherine.  In response to issues of academic evaluation, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, discrimination and other types of issues of concern that need resolution, a comprehensive set of processes and procedures have been established.  These processes and policies fall under the umbrella of St. Catherine University Student Redress System. Students may use these processes for a grievance, or a wrong considered as grounds for a complaint.  Questions about these processes should be directed to the Office of Student Affairs, 305 Derham Hall, or, 651-690-6778.  Specifically, these processes include:

A grievance is an educational or personal issue or condition that a student believes to be unfair, inequitable or a hindrance to her or his education.