Exercise Science and Nutrition - BS

This unique major provides an excellent overview of both exercise science and nutrition. It is an ideal choice for students who want to deepen their knowledge of fitness and wellness. Exercise science and nutrition graduates are well-suited to work in health clubs, corporate or community wellness programs, or as wellness entrepreneurs.  This major is also excellent preparation for graduate studies in exercise physiology, sports medicine, public health, and many other health sciences. 

This program includes fundamental courses from both the exercise and sport science and nutrition science curriculums. Some courses in this program also prepare students for additional nationally recognized certifications. For example, Exercise Testing and Prescription prepares students to sit for the American College of Sports Medicine Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP) exam. 

Exercise science and nutrition majors will have access to a wide range of potential internship sites. Students work with their advisors to develop required internships that meet their career goals. Internship experiences include fitness centers, corporate fitness organizations, and school nutrition programs, just to name a few.

See also: Nutrition Science, Exercise and Sport Science

This major is offered in the College for Women only.


Exercise and Sport Science Courses
EXSS 2660Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science4
EXSS 2800WIntroduction to Research Methods in Exercise Science4
EXSS 3200Health Behavior Psychology4
EXSS 3450Exercise Physiology with Lab4
EXSS 3500Methods of Strength Training and Conditioning4
EXSS 3550Exercise Testing and Prescription with Lab4
EXSS 4860Capstone2
Nutrition Courses
FSNU 2300Nutrition Foundations4
FSNU 2900Food Science with Lab4
FSNU 3400Sports Nutrition4
FSNU 3770Nutrition Education and Counseling4
FSNU 4270Current Issues in Foods and Nutrition4
Select eight credits from:8
FSNU 3340
Life Cycle Nutrition-Peds
FSNU 3360
Life Cycle Nutrition-Adults
Foodservice Operations Management with Lab
Intercultural and Community Nutrition with Lab
FSNU 4300WAdvanced Nutrition4
All exercise science and nutrition students are required to complete a senior portfolio
Total Credits58
Required Supporting Courses
BIOL 2200Introduction to Microbiology with Lab4
BIOL 2610Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab4
BIOL 2620Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab4
CHEM 1110General Chemistry I with Lab4
IPE 1030Healthcare Teams Foundations and Medical Terminology2
IPE 4200WHealthcare Teams - Evidence-Based Practice4
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
PSYC 1001General Psychology with Lab4
PSYC 2025Lifespan Developmental Psychology4
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis with Corequisite
Statistical Analysis
Total Credits38

Exercise science and nutrition majors satisfy the Writing Requirement for Majors and the fourth writing requirement by completing EXSS 2800W Introduction to Research Methods in Exercise Science and IPE 4200W Healthcare Teams - Evidence-Based Practice. They complete the Liberal Arts and Sciences Core Writing Requirement with two other writing-intensive courses (CORE 1000W The Reflective Woman and CORE 3990W Global Search for Justice).

Fall Term
CHEM 1110General Chemistry I with Lab4
EXSS 2650Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science1
PSYC 1001General Psychology with Lab4
Spring Term
BIOL 2200Introduction to Microbiology with Lab4
FSNU 2300Nutrition Foundations4
IPE 1030Healthcare Teams Foundations and Medical Terminology2
PSYC 2025Lifespan Developmental Psychology4
Fall Term
BIOL 2610Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab4
FSNU 2900Food Science with Lab4
Spring Term
BIOL 2620Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab4
EXSS 3200Health Behavior Psychology4
Select one from:4
Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis for Decision Making
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Statistical Analysis with Corequisite
Statistical Analysis
Fall Term
EXSS 3450Exercise Physiology with Lab4
FSNU 4270Current Issues in Foods and Nutrition4
IPE 4200WHealthcare Teams - Evidence-Based Practice4
Spring Term
EXSS 2800WIntroduction to Research Methods in Exercise Science4
EXSS 3550Exercise Testing and Prescription with Lab4
FSNU 3770Nutrition Education and Counseling4
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
Summer Term
Select one from:2-4
Fall Term
EXSS 3500Methods of Strength Training and Conditioning4
EXSS 4850Capstone1
FSNU 3350Lifelong Nutrition4
Senior Portfolio0
Spring Term
EXSS 3350Kinesiology and Biomechanics with Lab4
FSNU 3400Sports Nutrition4
Total Credits90-92