Economics - BS

Economics is the study of markets: how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed. Economists examine how people and businesses make decisions to allocate scarce resources. In economics, we study questions as diverse as the causes of labor market discrimination, how to improve education for women and girls, why recessions occur, and business profitability. Studying economics at St. Kate's will challenge students to think critically and apply a rigorous empirical lens to a wide range of issues. Students will develop and refine their analytical abilities to interpret or produce business insights, policy briefs, or scholarly research.

Outside of the classroom, our department works to provide all students with opportunities to enhance their St. Kate’s experience and increase the value they bring to organizations following graduation. Students can attend events hosted by the Minnesota Center for Diversity in Economics, such as “Socialism vs. Capitalism” or “The Economics of Immigration.” Economics Club is an outlet for students to engage with other passionate peers and local events. Moreover, economics majors can gain practical experience through a capstone research project or an internship. In recent years, our department has had many student-faculty research collaborations on issues ranging from development in the Middle East and North Africa to local education policy. Students have presented their work at national conferences such as the Population Association of America (PAA) conference and the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Internship opportunities in the Twin Cities area provide students with applied experiences at large and small organizations, including Aeon, Wells Fargo, 3M, American Red Cross, Ramsey County, National Housing Resource Center, Sun Country, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Career opportunities in economics are lucrative and will remain strong in the future, especially for women with solid quantitative backgrounds. Economics majors earn an average of 17% more than business majors in their first jobs and 36% more by mid-career. Graduates have accepted jobs at institutions such as Wells Fargo, Retek Corporation, Merrill Lynch, St. Paul Travelers, Ecolab and First Bank. Some alumnae continue on to graduate programs in economics, public policy, law, business administration or business analytics. 

Economics programs play an integral role in empowering women in our society, thus playing a crucial role in fulfilling the mission of St. Catherine University to lead and influence. As economically educated women, students will understand, analyze and participate in decision making. Students will become active citizens utilizing their leadership potential.


See also: Financial Economics, International Business and Economics

This major is offered in the College for Women only.


ECON 1090Statistical Analysis for Decision Making4
Choose two of the following:8
Economics of Social Issues
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Choose one of the following (can use the other as an elective in the choose 12 credits section):4
Quantitative Impact Evaluation: Applied Research Skills
ECON 3610Microeconomic Theory4
ECON 3620Macroeconomic Theory4
Select one MATH/STAT in consultation with advisor (strong preference for Applied Calculus) 4
Choose 12 upper-division (3XXX or 4XXX level) credits in ECON electives in consultation with advisor12
ECON 4850Theory to Action4
Total Credits44

Students must complete four additional upper-division (3XXX or 4XXX level) credits determined by the student and her advisor. Many students complete these four credits (usually one 4-credit class) by taking three upper-division electives for that part of the major requirement as well as both ECON 3050 and ECON 4150 or by adding a minor or double major.

Students who plan to pursue graduate-level studies in economics are encouraged to pursue a minor in math or statistics.

Economics majors satisfy the Writing Requirement for Majors by completing at least one writing intensive course in economics. They complete the liberal arts core Writing Requirement with three other writing-intensive courses (CORE 1000W The Reflective Woman and  CORE 3990W Global Search for Justice, and any other writing-intensive course in this or another department).

The Economics major can be completed in four years or two years. Both programs of study are provided below.

Four-Year Plan

Fall Term
ECON 1090Statistical Analysis for Decision Making4
Select one of the following:4
Economics of Social Issues
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Spring Term
Select one of the following:4
Calculus I
Topics (Methods & Modeling)
Select one of the following:4
Economics of Social Issues
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Fall Term
Upper-division Economics course4
Spring Term
Select one of the following:4
Quantitative Impact Evaluation: Applied Research Skills
Fall Term
ECON 3610Microeconomic Theory4
Upper-division Economics course4
Spring Term
ECON 3620Macroeconomic Theory4
Fall Term
Upper-division Economics course4
Spring Term
ECON 4850Theory to Action4
Total Credits44

Two-Year Plan

Fall Term
ECON 1090Statistical Analysis for Decision Making4
Select one of the following:4
Economics of Social Issues
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Spring Term
Select one of the following:4
Calculus I
Topics (Methods & Modeling)
Select one of the following:4
Economics of Social Issues
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Fall Term
Upper-division Economics course4
Spring Term
Select one of the following:4
Quantitative Impact Evaluation: Applied Research Skills
Fall Term
ECON 3610Microeconomic Theory4
Upper-division Economics course4
Spring Term
ECON 3620Macroeconomic Theory4
Fall Term
Upper-division Economics course4
Spring Term
ECON 4850Theory to Action4
Total Credits44