Organizational Leadership (ORLD)
ORLD 6200 Foundations of Leadership and Ethics — 3 credits
This foundation course for the MAOL program fosters personal development as an ethical, effective and enduring leader. Course activities include: analyzing feedback from assessment instruments such as the Leadership Practices Inventory, reflecting on personal leadership experiences and those of others, considering case studies, and readings on ethics and leadership. Major assignments include analyzing data collected from interviews with leaders, writing a series of papers on effective, ethical, and enduring leadership, participating in a team presentation dealing with ethical challenges in organizations, creating a personal leadership credo and metaphor and producing a final portfolio documenting your leadership abilities, experiences and goals. Note: ORLD 6200 is to be taken as the first course. D2L technology is introduced in this course.
Required: Purchase of Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) and one other assessment TBA.
Prerequisite: Admission to MAOL.
ORLD 6250 Organizations: Social And Political Structures — 3 credits
This course examines the theory around organizational functioning: how they are structured, how they behave, and how they can be developed. It examines the relationship of four frames of thinking about and viewing organization phenomena: structural, human resource, political and symbolic perspectives. The case is made that no one frame is robust enough to sufficiently explain organizational events, and more importantly, to effectively assist in creating and implementing desired change. Students are asked to grapple with the idea of reframing and understanding the implications this has for the idea that there is only one correct version of any event. The course will focus primarily on the systems or organizational level of behavior, rather than the individual or interpersonal levels. Thinking about "how you think about" organizations will be a continuing theme throughout.
A wide range of ideas, thoughts and theories about organizations will be covered. The reasons for this are many, but a principal one is to expose learners to a diversity of concepts and variables that are generally recognized as important considerations for understanding organizational action and dynamics. None of the readings will "tell you what to do" in real life and in some cases they will contradict each other. What is important about the readings and ideas presented is that they can provide students with sets of concepts about factors, relationships, and issues that are vital to consider in trying to understand what is going on in an organization and what the organization is all about. In other words, they can provide conceptual clues for where and what to look for in diagnosing, working with, and working in organizations. Exactly what to do, evaluating the importance of different factors in a specific situation and reconciling competing concepts/explanations is ultimately left to a leadership judgment call based on the information and understanding available, and the leader's sense of ethics, a discussion of which occurs toward the end of the course.
The fundamental intention of this course is to improve those judgment calls by providing students with a variety of conceptual tools to increase their ability to look for, recognize, and process information and data about organizations. This course is offered bi-annually.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 6300 Strategic Communication — 3 credits
This course is a laboratory for written and oral communication activities based on an issue chosen by each student. Assignments throughout the term are designed to simulate the typical process of advocating for change.
Recognizing communicator choices vis-à-vis different stakeholders, and then targeting messages effectively toward designated audiences, constitutes the major learning goal. Activities include profiling relevant audiences, searching for data, interviewing stakeholders and decision-makers, preparing fact-finding reports and action plans, producing graphics and working in coaching teams.
Oral presentations are digitally recorded. Oral and written assignments are revised based on feedback. Throughout, emphasis is placed on being both an effective and ethical communicator.
Prerequisite with concurrency: ORLD 6200. A data-searching lab and use of PowerPoint are part of this course.
ORLD 6400 Accounting and Finance Skills for Effective Decision Making — 3 credits
This course is designed to provide professionals and non-financial managers with the ability to interpret and use accounting and financial data in organizational planning and decision-making. The course explores accounting information compilation and analysis to examine and measure organizational financial health. Operational and capital budgets will be prepared and analyzed and financial strategies implemented to improve operational performance and strategic decision making. Note: No prior accounting course work or experience is required. Microsoft Excel workshop strongly recommended. Visit the Helpdesk site for tutorials. This course is offered in J-Term and Summer Session.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 6402 Organizational Strategies: Accounting and Finance — 2 credits
This course is designed to provide professionals and non-financial managers with the ability to interpret and use accounting and financial data in organizational planning and decision-making. The course focuses on using this information to improve organizational performance and strategic decision making. Topics covered include key financial statements, profitability analysis, decision analysis techniques, budgeting processes and performance evaluation.
ORLD 6502 Organizational Strategies - People and Culture — 2 credits
This course provides professionals in all roles with the strategies, concepts, and practices essential to effectively manage talent and strengthen organizational culture for performance and growth. Several topics will be covered through a variety of learning activities including (but not limited to), hiring techniques, job analysis, assessments, performance evaluations, supervision/coaching, and developing cross-functional teams. Throughout, emphasis will be placed on learning how to attract, engage, and retain diverse talent and create an inclusive work environment. Finally, this course examines the importance of a thriving and inclusive culture, consisting of teams that are effectively managed through engagement, retention efforts, and on-going development.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 6650 Leading Nonprofit Organizations — 3 credits
In this course, we will research and analyze best practices in leading nonprofit organizations. Based on the premise that nonprofit leaders are mission driven, we will start by considering the role and function of nonprofits in today's society. Through readings, speakers and class discussions, we will develop a critical understanding of the major areas that nonprofit leaders are responsible for leading and overseeing: governance, strategic planning and thinking, program development, human resources, marketing and communication, obtaining and managing financial resources.
A key learning strategy for this course will involve working on "live" projects tied to leading nonprofit organizations. Students will work in consulting teams to understand nonprofit leadership issues, and research, evaluate and design programs/processes to address substantive organizational needs. These consulting team projects will relate to the topics covered in the class and add value to an organization. The projects will culminate in presentations to the leaders of the nonprofit for which they were done in order to advance the work of the organization and increase its overall effectiveness.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 6683 Directed Study — 3 credits
Directed Study is limited to a student whose unusual circumstances prohibit the taking of a regularly scheduled course, but who needs the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. The learning experience depends on faculty
availability and is restricted to certain courses. Students are limited to one Directed Study in the MAOL.
Prerequisites: Faculty member advising, Program Director and Dean approval. The online form to register for a directed study is available on the Office of the Registrar website.
ORLD 6700 The Cultural Context of Leadership — 3 credits
This course challenges students to engage in transformational learning aimed at critical evaluation and deep understanding of successful leadership in specific cultural context. The course involves study and reflection, and a structured group study-abroad experience. We will compare and contrast leadership theory and experience in the U.S., a well-established multi-ethnic democracy with leadership theory and practice in cultural context in other developed or developing nations. The overall focus of this course is to explore the economic, sociological, political, and historical setting for leadership, with particular attention to cultural complexities shaping leadership practice.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200 and completion of six additional credits.
ORLD 6800 Inclusive Leadership: Leading Effectively across Differences — 3 credits
This course gives students the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to lead more effectively across multiple dimensions of difference such as race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status. Students will examine how their own experiences shape their ability to effectively lead diverse teams and discuss strategies to develop diversity leadership competency and more inclusive work environments. Students will also consider diversity at the organizational and community levels, exploring the business case for diversity and inclusion initiatives, as well as how organizations can identify and address disparities that exist both internally and within their local communities. Note: This course is offered in J-Term.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 6900 Leading Edge Colloquium, Level I — 1 credit
The central purpose of the Leading Edge Colloquium is to offer MAOL students the opportunity to come together, engage in deep learning and conversation on a cutting edge topic related to leadership, and network with one another, alumni, and other MAOL stakeholders. Events are face-to-face opportunities on the St. Kate’s campus. In-person attendance is preferred and recommended, however, live-streaming attendance will also be available for those who are unable to attend in person. Each event will focus on a specific topic and follow a consistent format. Students will complete reading in advance of the live gathering. The Friday evening session will offer networking, nourishment, and structured conversation on the topic. The Saturday session includes an extended workshop on the selected topic featuring a prominent expert, as well as additional networking and structured learning conversations.
Colloquium events take place three times per year. Students earn one credit for each event they attend and will need to attend three events over the course of earning their degree. Course responsibilities include completing the assigned reading; active participation in and facilitation of the event; and completion of a paper following the close of the event.
Prerequisite(s): ORLD 6200
Students who have not completed the prerequisite, or who will be enrolled in Study Abroad, are welcome to attend the Colloquium as a Professional Learning event without taking it as a course for credit.
ORLD 6951 Independent Study — 1 credit
Independent study offers a student the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. A student works with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit to be earned for the study also is included in the learning contract. Students are limited to one Independent Study. (1 credit = 40 hours of work; 2 credits = 80 hours of work; 3 credits = 120 hours of work). Prerequisite: ORLD 6200 and approval of the faculty member advising and Program Director.
The online form for registering for an Independent Study is available on the Office of the Registrar website.
ORLD 6953 Independent Study — 3 credits
Independent study offers a student the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. A student works with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit to be earned for the study also is included in the learning contract. Students are limited to one Independent Study. (1 credit = 40 hours of work; 2 credits = 80 hours of work; 3 credits = 120 hours of work). Prerequisite: ORLD 6200 and approval of the faculty member advising and Program Director.
The online form for registering for an Independent Study is available on the Office of the Registrar website.
ORLD 6981 Topics — 1 credit
ORLD 6983 Topics — 3 credits
ORLD 6991 Topics — 1 credit
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 6992 Topics — 2 credits
ORLD 6993 Topics — 3 credits
Topics vary from term to term. See the online course schedule for course descriptions.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 7000 Personal and Team Leadership to Drive Results — 3 credits
This course offers a practical approach to leading teams that plan effectively, work together collaboratively, and complete high-quality work. The course focus on team leadership helps students learn how they can influence and improve team performance from any role. Areas of focus include group dynamics, qualities of high-functioning teams, inclusive facilitation skills, engaging difference, and navigating the most significant challenges to teams in our current context.
As a team constitutes a set of relationships, the course also includes significant attention to the self that each leader brings to her teams. Students take self-assessments, examine their emotional functioning, and identify their personal strengths and challenges in working together with others toward a common goal. Throughout, the course structure cycles through content, observation, experiential exercises, and reflection. Major assignments include discussion boards, short bi-weekly written Reflection/Learning Records, an analysis of a team outside the classroom, and a final team research paper and presentation.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 7070 Leadership in the Public Forum — 3 credits
This course will explore leadership in public contexts, including government and public policy-making, electoral politics, public health, community organizations, civic engagement, and social activism. Students will critically analyze and think strategically about different models of public leadership, gaining deeper understanding of how they and their organizations can engage in governmental and democratic processes, participate in and influence public-policy making, and advocate for and foster social change. The course is interactive and experiential, including guest speakers, student-led presentations and discussions, and student-designed public leadership projects.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 7100 Professional and Organizational Ethics — 3 credits
In this course, students approach ethical issues in professional and organizational life by examining historical and current perspectives on ethical systems, the role and utility of codes of ethics in various settings, and the strategic application of ethical decision-making tools to organizational problems. Attention is given throughout the course to strengthening personal moral courage and making judicious choices about why, when, how and with whom to address ethical challenges. Organizational ethics is examined through readings, case studies and coaching on real-time dilemmas confronting class participants. Guest speakers reflect on how they have dealt with ethical challenges. Students assess their own ethical systems and the ethical climate of their organizations/professions. Students do team and individual analyses of ethical problems. Work from this course, including a personal ethical leadership code, is added to the student's Leadership Portfolio.
Prerequisites: completion of 18 credits, including ORLD 7480.
ORLD 7410 Health Policy and Ethics — 3 credits
This course examines United States and Minnesota approaches to delivering and paying for health care and includes comparative analyses. Our study is grounded in a discussion of the nature of health and the role of health care in human flourishing; our individual and collective expectations of health care; ethical tensions inherent in the ways we deliver and pay for care; and how the United States differs from other countries. This is a survey and current events course, examining many aspects of United States and Minnesota public policies regarding health care. Note: This course is offered bi-annually.
Prerequisites: ORLD 6200 and six additional credits.
ORLD 7500 Leading Organizational Change — 3 credits
This course focuses on leading and facilitating organizational change processes in the context of a highly competitive and evolving global economy. Through action research, systems theory and other models, participants learn about and apply change processes to organizations. Subject areas include the five disciplines of learning organizations, the types of leadership required, the topics of empowerment and employee involvement and various models for change.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6200.
ORLD 7601 Internship/Practicum — 1 credit
The objective of the Practicum is to develop effective leadership skills via hands-on application in the workplace. The Practicum learning contract specifies learning and workplace objectives based on application of curriculum concepts. Students can choose “stretch” projects in their current workplace or explore an alternative work environment. A practicum is supervised by a faculty member and a site supervisor and may be paid or unpaid. Work schedule and format are flexible and may be self-scheduled. Approval of the MAOL Program Director is required to initiate a Practicum. Students are encouraged to register early for the Practicum option. Academic credit is received for this course. (1 credit = 40 hours of work; 2 credits = 80 hours of work; 3 credits = 120 hours of work).
Prerequisites: ORLD 6200 and approval of the learning contract by the site supervisor and the faculty member advising the project.
ORLD 7602 Internship/Practicum — 2 credits
The objective of the Practicum is to develop effective leadership skills via hands-on application in the workplace. The Practicum learning contract specifies learning and workplace objectives based on application of curriculum concepts. Students can choose “stretch” projects in their current workplace or explore an alternative work environment. A practicum is supervised by a faculty member and a site supervisor and may be paid or unpaid. Work schedule and format are flexible and may be self-scheduled. Approval of the MAOL Program Director is required to initiate a Practicum. Students are encouraged to register early for the Practicum option. Academic credit is received for this course. (1 credit = 40 hours of work; 2 credits = 80 hours of work; 3 credits = 120 hours of work).
Prerequisites: ORLD 6200 and approval of the learning contract by the site supervisor and the faculty member advising the project.
ORLD 7603 Internship/Practicum — 3 credits
The objective of the Practicum is to develop effective leadership skills via hands-on application in the workplace. The Practicum learning contract specifies learning and workplace objectives based on application of curriculum concepts. Students can choose “stretch” projects in their current workplace or explore an alternative work environment. A practicum is supervised by a faculty member and a site supervisor and may be paid or unpaid. Work schedule and format are flexible and may be self-scheduled. Approval of the MAOL Program Director is required to initiate a Practicum. Students are encouraged to register early for the Practicum option. Academic credit is received for this course. (1 credit = 40 hours of work; 2 credits = 80 hours of work; 3 credits = 120 hours of work).
Prerequisites: ORLD 6200 and approval of the learning contract by the site supervisor and the faculty member advising the project.
ORLD 7800 Leading Edge Colloquium, Level II — 1 credit
The central purpose of the Leading Edge Colloquium is to offer MAOL students the opportunity to come together, engage in deep learning and conversation on a cutting edge topic related to leadership, and network with one another, alumni, and other MAOL stakeholders. Events are face-to-face opportunities on the St. Kate’s campus. In-person attendance is preferred and recommended, however, live-streaming attendance will also be available for those who are unable to attend in person. Each event will focus on a specific topic and follow a consistent format. Students will complete reading in advance of the live gathering. The Friday evening session will offer networking, nourishment, and structured conversation on the topic. The Saturday session includes an extended workshop on the selected topic featuring a prominent expert, as well as additional networking and structured learning conversations.
Colloquium events take place three times per year. Students earn one credit for each event they attend and will need to attend three events over the course of earning their degree. Course responsibilities include completing the assigned reading; active participation in and facilitation of the event; and completion of a paper following the close of the event.
Prerequisite(s): ORLD 6200, ORLD 6900
Students who have not completed the prerequisite, or who will be enrolled in Study Abroad, are welcome to attend the Colloquium as a Professional Learning event without taking it as a course for credit.
ORLD 7983 Topics — 3 credits
This course combines the work completed in the Leadership Institute seminars, "Leaders of the New Millennium," with academic assignments. Through in-depth research and analysis students explore a relevant leadership topic that applies to organizational leadership and their own personal and professional development. Leaders of the New Millennium begins with an intensive two-day session followed by six monthly four-hour classes. Using the Refirement® model, assessment tools and instructor advising, students develop their individual strategic leadership action plan with measurable outcome-based personal and professional goals. To complete the course students must attend the two-day intensive session and classes, complete the monthly readings and homework assignments, write a critique on a leadership book chosen by the instructor and submit a research paper. The work is advised and evaluated by a MAOL faculty member. Note: This is an eight-month Leadership Institute program with a graduate credit option. Students must first sign up for the Leadership Institute program (receive an enrollment form by contacting or calling 651-690-6819).
ORLD 7993 Peace Corps Fellow Credit for Academically Relevant Learning — 3 credits
The CARL program provides an opportunity for students to earn credit for prior learning experiences that took place outside of the classroom. Coverdell Fellows develop a portfolio that describes and documents their Peace Corps experience. The experience, reflection and portfolio should capture key learnings in a manner that is the equivalent of a graduate-level course and directly relevant to the MAOL program. The Coverdell Fellow submits the proposal within 30 days of the start of her/his first term enrolled in the MAOL program. A faculty advisor assesses the portfolio for “S/U” grading only. A “Satisfactory” evaluation will result in graduate credits which will be recorded as CARL credits on the student's transcript. The number of credits available differs by concentration.
Prerequisites: MAOL Program Director and Dean of Graduate College approval.
ORLD 7996 Peace Corps Fellow Credit for Academically Relevant Learning — 6 credits
The CARL program provides an opportunity for students to earn credit for prior learning experiences that took place outside of the classroom. Coverdell Fellows develop a portfolio that describes and documents their Peace Corps experience. The experience, reflection and portfolio should capture key learnings in a manner that is the equivalent of a graduate-level course and directly relevant to the MAOL program. The Coverdell Fellow submits the proposal within 30 days of the start of her/his first term enrolled in the MAOL program. A faculty advisor assesses the portfolio for “S/U” grading only. A “Satisfactory” evaluation will result in graduate credits which will be recorded as CARL credits on the student's transcript. The number of credits available differs by concentration.
Prerequisites: MAOL Program Director and Dean of Graduate College approval.
ORLD 8000 Advanced Leadership: Principles and Practices — 3 credits
In this course, students survey and critique a range of leadership theories to frame their own leadership philosophy. This enables students to evaluate how different theories of leadership can contribute (or create barriers) to ethical leadership. Students explore and
apply their knowledge of leadership practices and ethical frameworks to evaluate decision making in organizations. Students identify and discuss the organizational codes of ethics in their organization or profession, articulate their own “ethical leadership point of view,” and complete an analysis of ethical leadership in various contexts and cultures. The importance of giving voice to and demonstrating agency to promote effective and ethical leadership is examined. Lastly, students complete a literature review on a chosen leadership topic.
Requisites: Students will have completed approximately 18 MAOL credits prior to registering for this course. Prerequisite(s): ORLD 6200.
ORLD 8200 Strategic Leadership — 3 credits
The purpose of this course is to provide students with both a theoretical foundation and hands-on practice in analyzing, formulating and implementing organizational strategy. The course develops students' capacity to both think strategically and act tactically. The course revolves around students working individually, in pairs and in small groups to analyze complex written cases. The cases describe strategic situations of business and non-profit organizations operating in today’s highly competitive, rapidly changing, increasingly diverse, global context and e-connected environment. Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint technologies are used. Note: It is recommended that students complete ORLD 7500.
Prerequisite: Completion of 24 credits.
ORLD 8202 Organizational Strategies: Strategic Management — 2 credits
The course provides students with a theoretical foundation and hands-on practice in analyzing, formulating, and implementing organizational strategy. This course will also Investigate the financial impact of strategic decisions. Students will develop their capacity to think strategically and act tactically. They will start with analyzing mission and vision statements and move into strategy development supported by a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) and financial analysis. Students will explore this in the context of global organizations, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and the four competitive strategies. Special attention will be paid to today's highly competitive, rapidly changing, increasingly diverse, and digitally-connected environment.
Prerequisite: ORLD 6402.
ORLD 8400 Difference and Conflict Competence — 3 credits
Grounded in the literature related to institutionalized inequities, intercultural proficiency, principled negotiation, and conflict resolution, this course focuses on the ways identity, culture, and difference can both result in conflict and strengthen organizational performance. Through self-assessment and self-awareness exercises, students will identify their positionality, place, role, and style in navigating differences. They will also gain strategies for strengthening their role as leaders in engaging difference, leveraging multiple perspectives, creating truly inclusive environments, resolving conflict, and building consensus. This in-depth study related to difference and conflict provides models for leaders to build inclusive teams, maintain strong workplace relationships, and improve team and organizational performance, all while improving social justice outcomes for the organization and broader society.
Prerequisites: ORLD 6200, 12 Credits.
ORLD 8500 Leading Edge Colloquium, Level III — 1 credit
The central purpose of the Leading Edge Colloquium is to offer MAOL students the opportunity to come together, engage in deep learning and conversation on a cutting edge topic related to leadership, and network with one another, alumni, and other MAOL stakeholders. Events are face-to-face opportunities on the St. Kate’s campus. In-person attendance is preferred and recommended, however, live-streaming attendance will also be available for those who are unable to attend in person. Each event will focus on a specific topic and follow a consistent format. Students will complete reading in advance of the live gathering. The Friday evening session will offer networking, nourishment, and structured conversation on the topic. The Saturday session includes an extended workshop on the selected topic featuring a prominent expert, as well as additional networking and structured learning conversations.
Colloquium events take place three times per year. Students earn one credit for each event they attend and will need to attend three events over the course of earning their degree. Course responsibilities include completing the assigned reading; active participation in and facilitation of the event; and completion of a paper following the close of the event.
Prerequisite(s): ORLD 6200, ORLD 6900, ORLD 7800
Students who have not completed the prerequisite, or who will be enrolled in Study Abroad, are welcome to attend the Colloquium as a Professional Learning event without taking it as a course for credit.
ORLD 8800 Leadership Seminar — 1 credit
This final course in the MAOL program serves as the culminating classroom experience for MAOL students. ORLD 8800 is designed to integrate learning across all MAOL courses and experiences, to promote critical thinking about major leadership issues, and to reflect on and celebrate each student's accomplishments. We will also share our research together, as students progress toward completion and presentation of their MAOL action research project or thesis. Course activities include: review of all of the student's papers and projects from the MAOL program; re-taking the LPI (Leadership Practices Inventory); reflection on and analysis of the student's personal leadership learning and experience through writing and discussion; sharing and informal presentation of the student's action project/thesis research, and group planning and execution of a celebration and acknowledgement ceremony at the end of the course. Major assignments include creation of a final leadership portfolio and team seminar presentations on specific leadership issues to be selected by the class.
Corequisites: ORLD 8901 or ORLD 8902 and completion of 30 additional credits. Required: Purchase of LPI online.
ORLD 8901 Action Research/Practicum Design and Proposal — 3 credits
The outcome of this course is a completed research proposal approved by the project advisor, the ORLD 8901 instructor and the MAOL Program Director. During the course students identify their topic and work with the instructor, other students, and their assigned research advisor to develop and test ideas, as well as receive feedback on drafts of their work. Other activities include reading methods texts and completed MAOL action project papers; attending presentations by those completing their program; and meeting with the instructor and proposed advisor. Students are assessed on their abilities to synthesize materials, develop a feasible research design, complete a persuasive and logical research proposal using MAOL guidelines, develop a partnership with an advisor, coach others on their research ideas, and integrate leadership and ethics into the research approach. S/U grading. Students must register for ORLD 8980 the following semester. Corequisites: ORLD 8000
Note: Because of the credits and the extensive use of Canvas technology, the course is comprised of six required sessions, as well as individual meetings with the advisor. Consult the syllabus for dates.
Prerequisites: Completion of 30 credits or departmental approval.
ORLD 8902 Thesis Design and Proposal — 3 credits
The outcome of this course is a completed research proposal approved by the thesis advisor, the ORLD 8902 instructor and the MAOL Program Director.
During the course students identify their topic and work with the instructor, other students, and their assigned research advisor to develop and test ideas, as well as receive feedback on drafts of their work. Other activities include reading methods texts and completed MAOL theses papers; attending presentations by those completing their program; and meeting with the instructor and proposed advisor.
Students are assessed on their abilities to synthesize materials, develop a feasible research design, complete a persuasive and logical research proposal using MAOL guidelines, develop a partnership with an advisor, coach others on their research ideas, and integrate leadership and ethics into the research approach. S/U grading.
Students must register for ORLD 8990 the following semester. Prerequisites: Completion of 30 credits or departmental approval. Additional thesis approval form required for ORLD 8902 found in the handbook.
Note: Because of the credits and the extensive use of Canvas technology, the course is comprised of six required sessions, as well as individual meetings with the advisor. Consult the syllabus for dates.
ORLD 8980 Leadership Action Research Project — 2 credits
In the Leadership Action Project, students conduct and reflect on action research about a leadership topic or issue of their choosing. The project can be completed by an individual or team and presented as written work or through another medium. Project results are submitted to the advisor, presented publicly, and written into a formal academic report of findings. The project is assessed by how well it demonstrates the student's ability to collect, analyze and interpret data about a significant leadership topic, as well as the overall quality of the written work. The public presentation is assessed as to how well it demonstrates the student's ability to present the findings effectively and persuasively.
Mandatory three session research workshops accompany independent research. Contact the MAOL office to register.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval based on completion of 30 credits with a GPA of 3.0 or better and completion of ORLD 8901, including submission of the approved proposal to the MAOL office.
ORLD 8990 Leadership Thesis — 3 credits
In the Leadership Thesis, students analyze a leadership issue in depth and conduct original research. An individual or team can write the thesis. The research results are written into a formal academic report, defended in front of the thesis committee and publicly presented. The thesis is assessed by how well it demonstrates the student's ability to collect, analyze and interpret data about a significant leadership topic, as well as the overall quality of the written work. The defense and public presentation are assessed as to how well they demonstrate the student's ability to present the findings effectively and persuasively.
Mandatory three session research workshops accompany independent research. Contact the MAOL office to register.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval based on completion of 30 credits with a GPA of 3.8 or better and completion of ORLD 8902, including submission of the signed proposal to the MAOL office.