
Pre-Candidate Accreditation Statement

Beginning Fall 2023, St. Catherine University’s Nutrition and Dietetics Department in the Henrietta Schmoll School of Health will open a new and innovative 21- month (4 semesters) graduate program to prepare students to become Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN). This program has candidacy accreditation from ACEND.

*The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) Future Education Model Accreditation Standards for programs in nutrition and dietetics   integrate didactic coursework with supervised experiential learning in a competency-based curriculum designed to prepare nutrition and dietetics practitioners for future practice.

3+2 Dual Degree Program in Nutrition and Dietetics

St. Catherine University offers two pathways for completing the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics. A dual-degree program is available to undergraduate students resulting in a B.S. degree in Applied Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, and a Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics. The entry level Graduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics is available to students who have completed a B.A. or B.S.

Standard Application Process for the Dual-Degree Program in Nutrition and Dietetics

In this option, students enter the Applied Science in Nutrition and Dietetics major that includes all liberal arts core requirements, major supporting courses, major course work, and pre-requisites for the Master's of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (MSND) program.  

Students apply to the Master’s of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics during their junior year. Applicants must complete a dual degree application and meet all other admission criteria for consideration to the program including:

  • Junior Status

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better

  • Letter grades of C or better for all prerequisite courses

  • Successful completion and a competitive score of the MSND Admission Application (based in part on well-written essays, varied related experiences) during your junior year.  The application score is based on committee review and an exemplary rating of all elements.

  • Meet with your nutrition and dietetics adviser each semester 

  • Meet all other admission criteria required at the time of application to the program as outlined on the program website.

If accepted into the MSND, students typically are awarded the St. Catherine baccalaureate degree after their senior year.  Following successful completion of all the MSND degree requirements the following year, the master’s degree is awarded. 

Students who are not accepted into the MSND program can seamlessly complete a major in Nutrition Science if desired.



Required Supporting Courses
CHEM 1110General Chemistry I with Lab 14
CHEM 1120General Chemistry II with Lab 14
BIOL 2200Introduction to Microbiology with Lab 14
BIOL 2610Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab 14
BIOL 2620Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab 14
EXSS 3200Health Behavior Psychology 24
or PSYC 4450 Psychology of Eating with Lab
IPE 1030Healthcare Teams Foundations and Medical Terminology2
PHIL 3400Biomedical Ethics4
PSYC 1001General Psychology with Lab 14
PSYC 2025Lifespan Developmental Psychology4
Select one from: 14
Statistical Analysis with Corequisite
Statistical Analysis
Total Credits42

Also a graduate program prerequisite


Check prerequisites before planning a program of study

Dietetics Courses
FSNU 2300Nutrition Foundations4
FSNU 2400Food is Medicine2
FSNU 3400Sports Nutrition4
Total Credits10

Courses taken after admission to the dual-degree program:

FSNU 4300WAdvanced Nutrition4
NUTR 5100Nutrition Education and Counseling3
NUTR 5300Professionalism in Dietetics3
NUTR 5400Lifecycle Nutrition: Pediatrics3
NUTR 5450Lifecycle Nutrition: Adulthood3
NUTR 5500Medical Nutrition Therapy I3
NUTR 5200Community Nutrition I3
NUTR 5600Foodservice and Nutrition Management3
Total Credits25

Students who do not gain entry to the MSDT program after their junior year complete the following courses for a major (B.S. degree) in nutrition science:

Major courses:
FSNU 4602Internship2-4
or FSNU 4604 Internship
Choose four courses from:16
Food Science with Lab
FSNU 3340
Life Cycle Nutrition-Peds
Nutrition Education and Counseling
Current Issues in Foods and Nutrition
Medical Nutrition Therapy I
Choose three courses from:12
Intercultural and Community Nutrition with Lab
FSNU 3360
Life Cyle Nutrition-Adults
Medical Nutrition Therapy II with Lab
FSNU 4300WAdvanced Nutrition4
FSNU 4700
Applied Research 1
Total Credits34-36

FSNU 4700 is only available to seniors who are approved to participate in the program that allows seniors to enroll in a limited number of graduate level courses.

The following graduate courses are taken after the dual-degree student's Bachelor of Science degree is posted:

NUTR 6200Community Nutrition II3
NUTR 6270Current Issues in Nutrition3
NUTR 6300 Food Science 3
NUTR 6400 Experimental and Culinary Food and Nutrition3
NUTR 6500Medical Nutrition Therapy II3
NUTR 6600Foodservice Operations and Production3
NUTR 6700Applied Research3
NUTR 6800Practicum/Clinicals3
Total Credits24