Lofting and Bunking Beds

Approved by:  Department of Residence Life

History:  N/A

Related Policies:  Complaints and Grievance Process

Related Forms, Procedures and References:  Housing & Dining Agreement

For Questions Contact:  Department of Residence Life | 651.690.6617 |

Students may choose to loft or bunk their beds. Lofting/bunking means that students may be sleeping as much as five feet off the floor. Students assume all related risks and responsibilities, so it is important for students to consider the possible safety hazards involved with lofting and bunking.

Students may only use University owned equipment to bunk or loft their beds. Personally constructed loft/bunk equipment or structures are not allowed in the residence halls. Loft equipment is available at no cost; however, there are a limited number of kits available. 

Students who bunk or loft their beds are responsible for:

  • Properly checking out and maintaining all equipment.
  • Properly assembling and dismantling bunks/lofts per instructions. Assembly and disassembly requires at least three people. This also includes placing the loft/bunk at least three feet from windows, doors, and heaters, and away from fire sprinklers.
  • Returning all equipment as instructed.
  • Storing all equipment as instructed.
  • Properly using safety rails, stability bars, and ladders. Students must use safety rails on top bunk or loft. Students are encouraged to use ladders.
  • Using lofts and bunks in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Ensure guests, especially children, are not climbing on or sleeping on the top bunk or loft.
  • Following building-specific instructions.

Students should also refer to the My Housing portal and the Housing & Dining Agreement for terms and conditions related to bed lofting and bunking.

For more information on lofting, please contact