Fashion and Apparel (FASH)

FASH 1000 Introduction to Fashion Careers — 2 credits

According to Coco Chanel, fashion is everywhere. For those who love fashion, this is an exploratory course surveying career opportunities in the fashion industry and focuses on career paths within design and merchandising. An assessment tool will be used to assist in understanding which careers may match the student’s strengths, skills, and interests.

FASH 2050 Textiles with Lab — 4 credits

An in-depth consumer-oriented approach to the analysis of fibers, yarns, fabrics and finishes with an eye towards sustainability. Close look at the characteristics of fibers and fabrics and their effect on end-use serviceability. Students will learn to differentiate fabrics and finishes. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

FASH 2100 Apparel Construction and Analysis — 4 credits

This course includes basic apparel construction techniques with emphasis on the decision making involved in selecting appropriate techniques and fabrics for particular end uses. It involves an introduction to basic measuring and fitting criteria, as well as basic support materials; it also provides an introduction to the apparel industry labor issues within the context of social responsibility. The concept of fashion sustainability is introduced. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

FASH 2150W Sociocultural Aspects of Dress — 4 credits

The course involves the study of social, psychological, cultural and aesthetic aspects of dress. Focus is on understanding multicultural diversity and broadening the perspective in which students view dress. Sustainable fashion as a cultural phenomenon is explored. This course includes cultural experience through a service learning component. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 2151W.

FASH 2684 Directed Study — 4 credits

FASH 3000 History of Dress — 4 credits

This course involves the study of the historic patterns of dress from ancient times to the present. Illustrated lectures stress political, economic and social conditions as reflected in the clothing of men and women during each period.
Prerequisites: FASH 1000, FASH 2150W, or instructor permission.

FASH 3150 Trend Forecasting and Analysis — 4 credits

The study of techniques and processes used to develop fashion forecasts. Students learn to identify fashion cycles, short- and long-term fashion patterns, and change agents using environmental scanning tools. Students research and analyze elements of color, fabric, texture, material, print, and graphics from a variety of sources. Other topics addressed include promotion, brand image, fashion media, and micro- and macro-trends that have an impact on consumer behavior. Students create and present a final fashion forecast. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisites: FASH 1000, FASH 2150W, FASH 3000.

FASH 3994 Topics — 4 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses. Offered in the College for Women.

FASH 4571 Internship Practicum — 1 credit

The internship practicum focuses on furthering the professional development of students in the retail major program, particularly with respect to career development in retail merchandising in preparation for future work experiences and employment through resume and cover letter writing, development of interviewing and presentation skills, job search strategies, professional writing, discussion of current key topics within the industry and a variety of other professional experiences. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status or faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair.

FASH 4601 Internship — 1 credit

FASH 4602 Fashion Internship and Leadership — 2 credits

Fashion merchandising and apparel design students registered for a 2 credit internship complete a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office.
Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair.

FASH 4603 Fashion Internship and Leadership — 3 credits

Structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test careers and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office. In addition, fashion merchandising students must register for a 1-credit semester long classroom component as part of this course that focuses on furthering the professional development of students in the retail major program, particularly with respect to career development in retail merchandising in preparation for future work experiences and employment through resume and cover letter writing, development of interviewing and presentation skills, job search strategies, professional writing, discussion of current key topics within the industry and a variety of other professional experiences. The 1-credit internship practicum is offered spring semester. The 3-credit internship is offered fall, spring and summer. Offered in the College for Women.

FASH 4604 Fashion Internship and Leadership — 4 credits

Fashion merchandising and apparel design students registered for a 4 credit internship complete a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on- or off-campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves students in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test careers and potential. To initiate an internship experience, meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office. A semester long classroom component is part of this course and focuses on furthering the professional development of students in the retail major program, particularly with respect to career development in retail merchandising in preparation for future work experiences and employment through resume and cover letter writing, development of interviewing and presentation skills, job search strategies, professional writing, discussion of current key topics within the industry and a variety of other professional experiences.
Prerequisites: Faculty sponsorship and approval by department chair.

FASH 4683 Directed Study — 3 credits

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses.
Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval.

FASH 4684 Directed Study — 4 credits

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses.
Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval.

FASH 4800 Fashion Portfolio — 0 credits

All fashion majors are required to complete a fashion portfolio in order to fulfill graduation requirements. The portfolio is the vehicle that enables students to integrate the life skills and knowledge they bring with them and the knowledge, skills and values learned within the courses and field experiences throughout the program. This portfolio allows students to validate their experiences at St. Catherine University. The portfolio is cumulative in nature; most aspects are completed as part of course work. The portfolio must be presented to the student's advisor no later than November 15 for December graduates or April 15 for May graduates. For specific portfolio requirements, please refer to the Professional Portfolio Handbook. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.
Prerequisite: Senior standing.

FASH 4952 Independent Study 2 — 2 credits

Independent study offers students the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. Students work with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit earned for the study also is included in the learning contract.
Prerequisites: Permission of the faculty and department chair or program director.

FASH 4954 Independent Study 2 — 4 credits

Independent study offers students the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. Students work with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit earned for the study also is included in the learning contract.
Prerequisites: Permission of the faculty and department chair or program director.