Gender and Women's Studies (WOST)

WOST 1000W Communication Strategies for Social Justice — 4 credits

This course teaches key concepts in communication studies through the lens of women’s suffrage. Students will explore concepts within major areas of the discipline of communication studies including, gender identity, small group theory, rhetorical analysis, critical theory and media criticism. After developing a skill set in this area, students will apply learned concepts to develop a richer understanding of the role played by communication practices in women’s history. Also offered as COMM 1000W. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 1120 Biology of Women with Lab — 4 credits

A study of the nature of scientific inquiry and basic biological principles in the context of issues relevant to women. Areas of study include reproductive anatomy and physiology, the cardiovascular system, genetics and sexual differentiation, women and cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, infertility, contraception, menopause, women and exercise, women and nutrition, and women and aging. Three hours of class and two hours of laboratory per week. Designed for non-majors. Also offered as BIOL 1120. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 1121 Economics of Social Issues — 4 credits

This course involves the study of important relationships between economic growth, equity and public policies. It offers an economic perspective on current domestic and global social problems. Topics include crime, discrimination, inequality, the welfare system, social security, education, poverty, unemployment, health care, international trade and globalization. Also offered as ECON 1120, CRST 1120. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 2000 Maiden - Mother - Crone: Life Stages and the Spiritual Journey — 4 credits

This course is an introductory theological reflection on the Christian life as it is experienced in events, stages and passages. Special emphasis is given to the challenges of Christian women's spiritual development. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as THEO 2000.

WOST 2050W Foundations of Gender and Women's Studies — 4 credits

This course is required of all women's studies majors and minors; it is available each semester on at least one consortial campus. This multidisciplinary course is designed to raise students' awareness of women's issues and women's diversity; to help students learn to critically examine disciplines and social practices through the lens of feminist theory; to recover past achievements of women and survey the work that women now do; to expand their perspectives; and to provide a basis for critical evaluation of future learning. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 2051 Media, Culture and Society — 4 credits

Why does the Daily Show matter? How does the medium of the cell phone increase the quantity of communication while decreasing the quality? Why do we design our living rooms around the television? What is the responsibility of a media critic? How does cultural context impact meaning? How are issues of gender, race, sexuality and class negotiated in contemporary media? In what ways do media impact identity? Why study the media, anyway? These are some of the key questions guiding our exploration of media, culture and society. This class introduces some key concepts and theories for the study of media, provides a historical backdrop for the emergence of cultural critique, and surveys some of the current trends in media and cultural studies, promoting a critical consumption of the cultural texts that infiltrate our increasingly mediated lives. Also offered as COMM 2050. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 2120 Living Faith - Encountering the Holy in Everyday Experience — 4 credits

An introduction to the Christian faith with particular attention to the experience of women: faith as it is understood and as it is lived; faith and culture; faith and doubt. Also offered as THEO.

WOST 2150 Challenging Oppressions, Civic Engagement and Change — 4 credits

This course provides an in-depth overview of the dynamics of inequality, intersecting oppressions, models of civic engagement and systemic social change. Classism, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism and speciesism are examined as systems of power and privilege that are socially constructed and subject to social change. This course bridges classroom and the community, theory and practice through readings, discussions, guest speakers, visits to community partner agencies, and a community work and learning component. Offered annually. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 2150 and SOCI 2150.

WOST 2290 Women and Literature — 4 credits

This course focuses on the ways which women's identities, world views, roles, and relationships emerge in literary works written by both women and men. Varying themes include International Black Women Writers, Mothers and Daughters, Women, Men and Marriage, Fictional Female Detectives, Female Heroes, Lesbian Texts in Contexts, Black Women’s Personal Narratives, and Scarlet Women. Credit may be earned under this course number more than once for different emphases. Also offered as ENGL 2290. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 2350 Asian American Identities — 4 credits

The Asian American Identities course will engage students in a critical analysis of the multiple, fluid and intersecting identities of members of the Asian diaspora. Beginning with Asian immigration to the United States in the 1800s through the existence of multi-generational families in the present day, students will learn to interrogate how the perceived identities of Asian Americans has shaped these histories and experiences, and how agency in Asian American self-identification has served to empower them, challenge assumptions and create new realities. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 2350 and SOCI 2350.

WOST 2400 Philosophy and Women — 4 credits

This course offers an examination of the portrayal of women in Western philosophic tradition and the influence of views on the nature, status and role of women. Readings from women who contributed to the development of philosophic ideas will be included. Representative contemporary issues might include the debate about pornography, violence against women and censorship. The course is offered alternate years. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as PHIL 2400.

WOST 2402 Language in Society — 4 credits

This course introduces students to basic concepts in the study of language. It examines language as it is used in everyday interaction, focusing on the relationships between language use and the social structures in which we live: families, communities, classrooms, workplaces. Students look at how language variation relates to social characteristics such as gender, ethnic identity, and social class and how social factors mold their attitudes toward other languages and other dialects. Required for English majors and as a prerequisite for ENGL 3400 and 3490. Also offered as ENGL 2402. It does not meet the liberal arts requirement in literature. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 2700 Social Movements-Social Change — 4 credits

Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of collective behavior and social movements. A variety of social movements and counter movements are considered. The course emphasizes collective responses to inequality, and the role of race/ethnicity, class, gender and other differences in movements for social change. Offered alternate years. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 2700 and SOCI 2700.

WOST 2910 The Anatomy of Violence — 4 credits

In this course we will explore the roots, functions, and problems of violence as well as our societal attempts to reduce or eliminate its ill effects. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach, we will employ the lenses of biology, evolution, psychology, sociology, human development, culture, sex/gender and more as we attempt to define and understand violent behavior among humans. With a special focus on interpersonal violence, we will address specific areas including, but not limited to: domestic/partner violence, child abuse/neglect, sexual abuse, racial/cultural violence, criminal/gun violence. Responsible and respectful diversity of opinion is welcome as we attempt to grow in our knowledge of what it means to live with both the reality of violence and goal of peace.

WOST 2994 Topics — 4 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3050 Psychology of Gender — 4 credits

This course addresses a basic question: How does gender influence one's identity and development? Students will review research about the patterning and origins of gender differences in behavior, cognitive functioning and personality. Students will also consider how cultural definitions of gender influence the socialization of men and women into adult social and occupational roles. Students will be expected to critically analyze psychological research and theory for gender-related biases. Offered annually. Also offered as PSYC 3050.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1001.

WOST 3051 Quantitative Impact Evaluation: Applied Research Skills — 4 credits

Stakeholders need to know whether projects, policies or programs are producing the intended effect. Quantitative program evaluation is the collection, analysis and use of data to assess effectiveness and efficiency. In this course students will design, execute and present data-based analyses. We will use statistics to isolate causal impacts using both experimental and quasi-experimental methods. We will study projects, policies and programs in the United States and abroad and draw examples from many disciplines including education, public health, economics, business, sociology and political science. The quantitative skills developed in this course are highly sought after by employers in both non-profit and for-profit settings. This course is open to students from any major and is good preparation for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses that have research components. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.
Prerequisite: One of the following - ECON 1080, ECON 1090, PSYC 1090, STAT 1089, STAT 1090. Also offered as ECON 3050.

WOST 3070 Rhetoric of Resistance: Gender and Power — 4 credits

If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, how on earth are they supposed to communicate with one another? What are the implications of this "different planets" metaphor? Why do we talk about Hilary Clinton’s fashion, but not Bill’s? Where do we get our ideas about what it means to be female or male, feminine or masculine? How do various rhetoric influence us to adopt and perform particular gender identities? In what ways are conceptions of gender related to ideas about sexuality? What rhetorical strategies have individuals and social movements used to challenge gender/sexual norms? This course examines how sex and gender and our identities as women, men, and sexual beings are influenced by and contested in the rhetorical culture around us. We will focus on communicating identity in interpersonal relationships, the impact of mass media on gender performances, key legislative debates and social movement strategies. Also offered as COMM 3070.
Prerequisites: COMM 1030 and 2090.

WOST 3070W Gender and Rhetoric — 4 credits

This course takes a critical approach the study of gender and sex and, as such, explores not only the social construction of gender but also how these constructions are constructed, maintained, and/or transformed. Gender will be explored as it is constituted and functions in the institutions of education, religion, the workplace, and media. This course aims to develop the student’s awareness of gender so as to be a more critical consumer of messages about gender and sex as well as conscientious of how one’s own performances of gender intersect with and/or challenge cultural norms. Throughout, students are encouraged to also be a mindful of the role of social justice in the context of gender studies and gender equality. Students will engage in small and large-group discussion, informal writing, as well as a research paper. Also offered as COMM 3070W. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3101 Communicating across Cultures, Identities and Differences — 4 credits

In the 21st century individuals continue to be marginalized because of their differences. The existence of racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination indicate that the categories separating individuals from one another fuel acts of hatred, oppression, and degradation, but why? What makes such discrimination possible? How do categories of people come to be seen as "different"? How does being "different" affect people's lived experience? What meaning does difference have at the level of the individual, social institution, or culture? What difference does difference make? This class will answer these questions by studying how communication plays a significant role in the construction of cultures identities and differences. Through such an inquiry students will learn how social, political, economic, racial, sexual, cultural and geographic differences impact the process of communication and consequently, cause conflict between groups and individuals that belong to different social categories. Through studying how cultures, identities and differences impact communication, students will develop strategies for effectively and ethically participating in an increasingly diverse cultural landscape. Also offered as COMM 3100 and CRST 3101. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 3150 Women and Globalization — 4 credits

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of how processes of globalization are gendered, and the politics of gender in a globalizing world. We will explore how contemporary globalization shapes national belonging, citizenship, consumption, labor, violence, and survival. Students will contrast dominant conceptions of globalization (and their critiques) with cases of globalization in practice, with particular emphasis on existing inequalities despite increased opportunities. We will explore structures of global governance and neoliberal policies, the roles of institutional agents, and responses of local actors, all through the lens of gender to understand how women are affected by global economic and political processes. The class will look critically at the changing conditions for women in the contemporary context, and will explore political responses – such as gender mainstreaming - to persistent challenges. We will investigate the relationship between women’s movement(s) and other social movements, and examine the tensions between global issues and local responses. The course concludes with thoughts on the evolving strategies of social movements, and the importance of recognizing women’s diversity and intersectionality in the face of globalized injustices. Also offered as POSC 3150. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3210 Family, Identity and Inequality — 4 credits

Family is an important social institution in which identities are formed and inequalities are reproduced. Highlights of this course include perspectives of families in poverty, LGBT families, transracial and transnational families. Students conduct research about family, identity, and inequality (race, class and gender) and consider strategies for social change and individual action. Offered alternate years. Also offered as CRST 3210 and SOCI 3210.

WOST 3250 Cultural Anthropology — 4 credits

This is a survey of the evolution, integration and importance of culture. Students will develop an awareness of and appreciation for the variety of human cultural and subcultural adaptations, focusing on such institutions as economics, family, politics and religion. Ethnographic methods are also covered, as students learn to recognize and interpret cultural meaning. Offered annually. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 3251 and SOCI 3250.

WOST 3251 History of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights in the U.S. — 4 credits

The origins and evolution of American civil liberties and civil rights are covered from the colonial era through the 20th century civil rights and women’s rights movements. Course examines the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and the roles of the Supreme Court, federal and state governments, and rights movements in the development of civil liberties and civil rights. Also offered as CRST 3250 and HIST 3250. Not open to first-year students.

WOST 3340 Criminal Justice: From Policing to Punishment — 4 credits

The United States has more people in prison per capita than anywhere where in the world, with 2.3 million people in prison and jail and another 5 million on probation or parole. . How does this happen? What is “the prison industrial complex”? What social factors shape our approach to policing and punishment? Who is criminalizied and how? What role do race, class, and gender play in policing and punishment? This course analyzes the basic concepts and dynamics of the, including study of the personnel involved and experiences encountered in the system. This course offers students an in-depth look at the U.S. criminal justice system, and currently debated topics including police use of force and civilian killings, racial profiling, prosecutorial discretion, mass incarceration, use of solitary confinement, and the death penalty Alternative approaches and social movements related to criminal justice reform for both juveniles and adults will also be explored. Also offered as CRST 3340 and SOCI 3340. Offered in alternate years. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3450 Women's Issues from Global Perspectives — 4 credits

This course examines the construction of gender, gender inequality, women’s movement, and cultural representation of gender from a transnational perspective. This perspective emphasizes the connections between histories and conditions of different societies, particularly the power relations between the global North and the global South. Offered alternate years. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 3450 and SOCI 3450.

WOST 3452W Haves and Have Nots: Development, Poverty, and Inequality — 4 credits

This course explores the role of poverty and inequality in the process of economic development and growth. Students will examine the impact of social, political, and economic factors on poverty and how these factors relate to economic growth in developing countries. Topics include international financing of economic development, human and natural resources and their role in the development of economies, monetary policy and international aid. The emphasis of this course is on the role of women in national development and how this can impact the overall economy and economic stability of a developing country. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.
Prerequisite: ECON 1120 or ECON 2610 or ECON 2620. Also offered as CRST 3451W, POSC 3450W and ECON 3450W.

WOST 3460W Women in Greece and Rome — 4 credits

This course examines evidence regarding the lives and societal position of women in the classical world from the Homeric epics through the Roman Empire. Students read a variety of texts, including law cases, short stories, love letters, medical writings and manuals on estate management, as well as several Athenian plays. The course also deals with the visual arts and archeological evidence from the time period in order to convey as complete as possible a picture of women’s lives during these times. Writing and reflection on texts and images composes a substantial portion of each class period, as does reading these reflections aloud to one another, and critiquing the style and content of one another's writing. During the semester students also write a substantial research paper on the topic of their choice and deliver it as a class presentation. Departmental Statement on Writing for History Courses: The ability to absorb information and turn it into clear and thoughtful prose is the most important skill required to succeed in a History class. History is a nuanced and complex subject, and we therefore stress the importance of incorporating the writing process into the learning process. Students must develop the habit of articulating their understanding of the material in a clear and straightforward manner that simultaneously conveys information and interprets the relevance and importance of that information for the reader. Producing both long and short papers is an important part of our pedagogy, as are tests that require a large amount of writing. Also offered as HIST 3460W and CLAS 3460W.

WOST 3510 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity — 4 credits

This course examines structured inequality related to race and ethnicity. The course focuses on current research and theory pertinent to the social construction of race and ethnicity, intergroup relationships, power, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, systemic racism, and the ways that race intersects with class, gender and other differences. Includes historical and contemporary experiences of racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. Offered alternate years. Also offered as CRST 3510 and SOCI 3510.

WOST 3550 Short Stories from Hispanic Writers — 4 credits

In this class, students will become familiar with short stories written by authors which represent the literary production of Spain and of countries that, because of their past history of colonization by Spain, have Spanish as their official or second language; countries such as Hispanic America, Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines. Authors may vary each time the class is offered but they will represent many historical periods from the Middle Ages to present time. Thus, students will be able to appreciate the ideas and tendencies that had influence over the genre through the centuries. Approaches to the study of these short stories will vary according to the instructor. Also offered as ENGL 3551 and SPAN 3550.

WOST 3560 Women in America to 1920 — 4 credits

Roles, status and expectations of women are covered from the colonial era to 1920; includes developments in family, sex, education, work, dress, politics; also covers the feminist movement of the 19th century. Also offered as CRST 3560 and HIST 3560. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3570 The New Woman in America and England 1880-1940 — 4 credits

This course examines the lives of women in the United States and England in the years between 1880 and 1940. This period, which spanned about three generations, saw the emergence of the so-called “New Woman” in both American and English societies. The New Woman was a term mainly (although not exclusively) used to refer to single, educated, independent women of the middle or upper classes (or working class women who pulled themselves up to the middle class) who were living in cities and who were self-supporting, pursuing professions, devoting their lives to reform, political activism and community service. These women challenged many entrenched norms of femininity and female dependence by living independently of their families and of men for either their entire lives or for significant periods of their lives, in many cases forming their most significant social bonds with other women. The emergence of the New Woman caused tremendous social anxiety in both the United States and England because she challenged traditional feminine norms and social expectation for women. Also offered as HIST. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3630 Gender, Art, and Society — 4 credits

This course considers the artworks, lives, and voices of historically marginalized artists, who identify as cisgender women, transgender women, or non-binary, across history, geography, and society. As an art history course, it is alert to the ways in which these artists have been marginalized by master narratives. It also challenges the single stories that essentialize the study of gender and art (e.g the overlooked woman artist, the forgotten maverick) by emphasizing, as much as possible, the artists’ lived experiences as well as the formal integrity of their work. Organized in three parts – history/literature, theory, practice – this class includes lectures and discussions, individual and group work, films and videos, as well as visits with practicing artists and feminist scholars. The capstone assignment in the course is participation in an Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon. Students will learn how to edit Wikipedia. Each student will select an artist (cis-woman, trans-woman, or non-binary) to research in order to amend that artist’s existing page or create a new one. Also offered as ARTH 3630. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3631 Women in Asia — 4 credits

This course examines the history of women in China, Japan and Korea from ancient times to the present. Major topics include traditional gender roles and the influence of Confucianism; industrialization and war; political and legal change; and contemporary issues affecting women's lives. Also offered as HIST 3630. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3640 Feminist Theory — 4 credits

This class is required for all women's studies majors and minors; also open to non-majors. This interdisciplinary feminist theory course is designed as a mid-level course to serve as a bridge between WOST 2050W and WOST 4850W. The content of the course focuses on theorizing around the multiple differences of gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexuality as they are arranged and experienced in the United States. As an interdisciplinary course, it provides an overview of historical and ideological trends in feminist thought around these differences. Offered in alternate years. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: WOST 2050W.

WOST 3700 History of Feminism in Western Society — 4 credits

This course traces the development of feminist thought and activism in Western society from the ancient Greeks to the late 20th century in the United States. The course explores the social, political, legal and cultural status of women in Western society across time. Special emphasis is placed on the roots of modern feminism as it developed in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries in Western Europe and in the United States. Also offered as POSC 3700 and HIST 3700. Not open to first-year students.

WOST 3700W Sociology in Action: Understanding Social Worlds — 4 credits

Sociological imagination allows us to navigate an increasingly complex world. How can theoretical frameworks guide us in understanding our rapidly changing social world? How do we measure key sociological variables? How can we apply both theory and data to everyday life? This course explores the major theoretical perspectives of sociology (functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, feminist sociology, and critical race theory), sociological research methods (quantitative and qualitative), and their application to contemporary issues. Offered every other year. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST 3700W and SOCI 3700W.

WOST 3740 Topics in Women's History — 4 credits

In this course, using gender as a lens of analysis, we will explore an aspect of women's and/or gender history. Topics might include a focus on a woman's life cycle in the Victorian era, girlhood in world history, or the experiences of women who were enslaved in the Americas. Regardless of the specific focus, the class will examine the ways that women have made and continue to participate in history and the experience and impact of women's intersectional identities. Additionally, the class will analyze the work of female historians. The topic will change to reflect the interests and expertise of the faculty. Details about the specific semester's topic can be found on the registrar's website. This course can be taken more than once under different topics. Also offered as HIST.

WOST 3795 The History of British Feminism through Literature — 4 credits

The history of the evolution of British feminist thought and activism from the 18th through early 20th centuries is studied within the broader historical contexts of women's roles and status across classes and the major political, social and economic developments of the period in Great Britain. A primary focus of the course is the treatment of women's issues and the expression of feminist ideas in literature, especially works by female authors. Also offered as HIST 3795. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3900 Feminist Philosophy — 4 credits

This course involves the exploration of feminist contributions in the traditional philosophical inquiries of metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, as well as questions unique to feminist thought. Students will explore the social conception of the self, social constructions of knowledge, the objectivity and subjectivity debates, standpoint epistemologies, and the philosophic implications of multiple differences, including race, class, sexuality. Also offered as CRST 3900 and PHIL 3900. Offered annually. Offered in the College for Women.

WOST 3930W Christian Women Mystics — 4 credits

This course is an examination of the lives and writing of selected Christian women mystics across the centuries. Their lives and works are studied within the ecclesiastical context of their times and with a view to their enduring meaning for today’s Christians. Also offered as THEO 3930W.
Prerequisite: One theology course.

WOST 4100 Hispanic Women Writers — 4 credits

Through reading texts written by important Hispanic women writers, students will gain insight into rich, wide-ranging and diverse histories and cultures of written work by Spanish-speaking women writers across places and time, from Spain to the Twin Cities. Offered every other year. Also offered as SPAN 4100.

WOST 4200 Women's Art Institute Summer Studio Intensive — 3 credits

A resurgence of activity and discussion around the issues of women and art has galvanized contemporary women artists to ask new questions. Structured around questions that the participants themselves bring, this innovative and rigorous course focuses on investigating ideas and creating art that arise through the combination of open studio work, intense individual tutoring, inspiring conversation and critiques, and presentations from guest artists, critics and art historians. This intensive four-week studio program is designed for individuals who have mastered basic skills and now wish to pursue deeper levels of understanding and expression in their work. Disciplines explored include painting, drawing, collage, photography, sculpture, digital art, installation and performance. Students are assigned a preliminary project and are expected to produce a major portfolio of work by the end of the course for class critique. Also offered as ART 4200.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

WOST 4600 Leadership and the Art of Persuasion — 4 credits

This course studies the practice of leadership communication from within the framework of persuasive, effective, ethical and enduring leadership. By studying the communication practices of female leaders in the cultural, political, business and intellectual sectors of society and by focusing on the unique challenges faced by these leaders as women in particular, this course provides practical examples of different forms of effective leadership particularly well-suited to the St. Kate's student. To provide students with a foundation through which they can begin to act as leaders in their daily lives, these practical examples are discussed in conjunction with theories of leadership, persuasion and argumentation. Also offered as CRST 4600 and COMM 4600. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.

WOST 4602 Internship — 2 credits

An internship is a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on or off campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves the student in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career interests and potential. To initiate an internship experience meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office and then with a faculty advisor.
Prerequisites: Instructor and department chair permission.

WOST 4604 Internship — 4 credits

An internship is a structured out-of-class learning experience that takes place on or off campus and includes a substantial work component. An internship involves the student in a particular profession in an exploratory way to test career interests and potential. To initiate an internship experience meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office and then with a faculty advisor.
Prerequisites: Instructor and department chair permission.

WOST 4684 Directed Study — 4 credits

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses.
Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval.

WOST 4850W Senior Seminar — 4 credits

This capstone course offers students the opportunity for independent research and presentations incorporating feminist theory, focusing on an area of their interest. The seminar is available each year on one of the consortial campuses. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.
Prerequisites: WOST 2050W and either WOST 3640 or PHIL 3900.

WOST 4954 Independent Study — 4 credits

Independent study offers students the opportunity for specialized research not covered in a course offering, by the action project or thesis. Students work with a faculty advisor to develop a learning contract, which specifies the content and objectives of the study as well as the requirements and procedures for evaluation. The amount of credit earned for the study also is included in the learning contract.
Prerequisites: Permission of the faculty and department chair or program director.

WOST 4994 Topics — 4 credits

The subject matter of the course is announced in the annual schedule of classes. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses. Consult campus coordinator.