Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1110 Elementary Spanish I — 4 credits

This course encourages student active involvement with Spanish from the first class, helping students to develop knowledge and practical ability at an elementary level in all five skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking and cultural awareness. Offered every semester. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults.
Prerequisite: Placement exam required of all students, unless they have never taken Spanish.

SPAN 1120 Elementary Spanish II — 4 credits

Continuation of Elementary Spanish I. Students will further develop their receptive abilities in listening, reading, and cultural awareness at the same time they increase their communication skills in the productive abilities of speaking and writing. Offered in fall and spring semester. Offered in the College for Women and the College for Adults. Placement exam required of students who did not take Elementary Spanish I at St. Catherine University.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1110 with a minimum grade of C-, its equivalent, or placement exam.

SPAN 2110 Intermediate Spanish I — 4 credits

This course is designed to increase listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish with a focus on Hispanic culture, including intensive practice of grammatical structures. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1120 with a minimum grade of C-, its equivalent, or placement exam.

SPAN 2120 Spanish for the Professions — 4 credits

This course will focus on cultural climate related to job environments, such as the health system, judicial system, and business world, complemented by a political overview and career readiness for the job market. Course will address four modalities of language use -speaking, reading, writing, listening- that student will need in any job, and most importantly, they will be prepared to face a culturally diverse workplace and better communicate with coworkers from different Spanish speaking countries. The course will be frame in the five skills recommend for second language acquisition: culture, communication, communities, connections and comparisons, in a changing global reality. Instruction will adapt according to the student’s main concentration. Offered in Spring semester. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2110 or Placement Exam Score 440-549.

SPAN 3050W Visions of the Hispanic World: Reading to Speak and Write — 4 credits

Through this writing-intensive course, students will utilize a cross-cultural approach to discuss and analyze Spanish-language readings that provide interdisciplinary themes. Varying from semester to semester, texts and films may be chosen from a range of time periods, genres, and place of origin: Spain, Latin America and/or Spanish-speaking parts of the U.S. Students will focus primarily on critical reading and writing, as they continue to polish skills in listening and speaking. Offered every semester. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2120, its equivalent, or placement exam.

SPAN 3160 Hispanics in the United States — 4 credits

Students will gain knowledge about the layered history and issues involving Hispanics and Latinos in the United States. As students discuss a number of materials, from writings to film, documentaries, the arts, and experiential learning tasks, they will increase their awareness of and experience with cross-cultural, bilingual ways of life, thinking and being. Students will speak primarily in Spanish. Offered spring semester. Offered in the College for Women. Also offered as CRST.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in SPAN 3050W.

SPAN 3250 Introduction to Critical Cultural and Literary Analysis — 4 credits

Students will learn how to read and write about a variety of literary and cultural texts from the Spanish speaking world, including film. At the same time students will incorporate into their work specialized analytical terminology, as well as consider the socio-historical, political, and economic context of the works, their authors, and their audience. This course will prepare students for success in advanced classes in the department. Offered in fall semester. Offered in the College for Women.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2120.

SPAN 3550 Short Stories from Hispanic Writers — 4 credits

In this class, students will become familiar with short stories written by authors which represent the literary production of Spain and of countries that, because of their past history of colonization by Spain, have Spanish as their official or second language; countries such as Hispanic America, Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines. Authors may vary each time the class is offered but they will represent many historical periods from the Middle Ages to present time. Thus, students will be able to appreciate the ideas and tendencies that had influence over the genre through the centuries. Approaches to the study of these short stories will vary according to the instructor. Also offered as ENGL 3551 and WOST 3550.

SPAN 4000 Hispanic Masterpieces — 4 credits

Students will read and analyze literary masterworks written in Spanish. Content varies and may focus on connecting themes bridging writers from Spain, Latin America and/or the U.S.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3050W or equivalent.

SPAN 4100 Hispanic Women Writers — 4 credits

Through reading texts written by important Hispanic women writers, students will gain insight into rich, wide-ranging and diverse histories and cultures of written work by Spanish-speaking women writers across places and time, from Spain to the Twin Cities. Offered every other year. Also offered as WOST 4100.

SPAN 4604 Internship — 4 credits

As a minor or major, students may plan structured out-of-class learning experiences that combine either a work component or cultural/linguistic development in an Hispanic environment. To initiate an internship experience, students should meet with the internship coordinator in the Career Development Office, and a member of the Spanish faculty to discuss the on-campus requirements of their internship contract.
Prerequisites: Approval by Spanish Department chair.

SPAN 4684 Directed Study — 4 credits

Directed study is provided for students whose unusual circumstances prohibit taking a regularly scheduled course but who need the material of that course to satisfy a requirement. Availability of this faculty-directed learning experience depends on faculty time and may be limited in any given term and restricted to certain courses.
Prerequisites: Faculty, department chair and dean approval.

SPAN 4860W Senior Seminar: Humanities Capstone — 4 credits

The primary goal of this course is for students to develop a capstone project, which they will complete by the end of the semester. To support students on their projects, there will be weekly meetings focusing on different steps of the writing and project development process. Students will also be expected to present their work as part of a symposium near the end of the semester. This course is a writing-intensive course and is open to majors in selected fields in the Humanities. Offered in the College for Women. Co-convenes with HIST4850W, PHIL4850W and ENGL 4860W.

SPAN 4952 Independent Study — 2 credits

Students should contact the Spanish Department faculty to discuss the topic/theme of the independent study project they have in mind.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and department chair.

SPAN 4954 Independent Study — 4 credits

You should contact the Spanish Department faculty to discuss the topic/theme of the independent study project you have in mind.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and department chair.

SPAN 4994 Topics — 4 credits

Students will have the opportunity to learn about topics that are not regularly offered in the department. Content varies from year to year but does not duplicate existing courses. Topics could include, but are not limited to, Latino theater, poetry, literature and film.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3050W or consent of instructor.